IO Report # 45 (2002-06-28)

This report was submitted by FA Ari

June 28, 2002

Internet Office News

Things are starting to heat up for the Internet Office! With summer here, everyone has time for projects. I personally just finished working on a new website for House Galthain ( and the rest of the IO staff is busy now with their own projects.

As I mentioned last week, the Hawkeye II plotline is completed. This week I finished writing the scripts for the voice acting, and came up with a list of sites that need to be created. I will be mailing these out to the Hawkeye II staff so we can begin development at once. In the meantime, YOU can take part in Hawkeye II by auditioning for Voice Talent at Please try out and send me your auditions! I really need people to try out for the parts of pilot, trooper and research platform director. Get your auditions in to quickly!

I'd like to extend a hearty congratulations to my Command Attaché, Mutilator, for his FO-pending promotion to Vice Admiral! Congrats, Mut!

CA:IO Mutilator and IOA Alex Foley have begun work on a new project called, or just simply "mydot". This will be a Yahoo-style page which we will encourage everyone to set as their home/start pages - it will include an EH-wide search engine, news from around the fleet, weather in your local area, Star Wars news, and lots of more fun stuff.

The new IWATS PHP course, written by VA Mutilator, is now available to the public at! has been down a bit this week, but everything seems to be working now, it was probably having some server problems, that's all.

IOA Leeson has found an interesting article entitled "How to break into the Woman system" - I found it quite amusing. The article is available on

EH Newsletter #84 has been released to the fleet: you can download it from or view it online at

Newly returning to the Internet Office, IOA AbsoluteK is working on revamping the EH Images Archive, as well as recreated the EH Radio site, CEHR (Center for EH Radio).

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SOTW is the Phoenix Kabal site at Congratulations go to spok4 ( and Skorbacca "Darkmoon" Freetah ( on receiving the SOTW award with four stars!

Internet Office Links

Internet Office Poll

What do you want to see on

  • Fleet news
  • Star Wars news & pictures
  • Yahoo-style link categories
  • CD Exchange Stock Quotes
  • EH Tip of the Day
  • IRC Quotes


In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-2BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoAx2] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor


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