IO Report # 50 (2002-08-02)

This report was submitted by FA Ari

August 2, 2002

Internet Office News

Well, the Code Archive medals deal is over, and I've only awarded 3 medals: ISMs to Alex Foley and Kweeky and a PC to Dae Cam. Oh well, more medal oppression for us mid-end CS!

Hawkeye II development is well under way and those who still owe me voice recordings better get them into me ASAP!

And now, yet ANOTHER new project from the Internet Office: introducing the yet-to-be titled publication which will be taking off from where THJ2 last left off. The premise is an EH newspaper with stories (most will be fictional probably) like you'd see on a real paper. The idea is taken from (for an example, see but we will be putting an EH spin on things. Also, people who would like to participate in Hawkeye II, you may find some information you require hidden among the articles. Please vote on this week's poll to help us choose a name!

IOA Alex Foley is on leave till Aug. 31st, so any My EHNet problems should go to me.

Sabacc was updated to v2.2 this week, including support for the Corporate Division.

Turtle has fixed a bug in the Minos/EHNet login service which prevented people from logging in sometimes. Also, he's posted a bug alert on for people with Outlook Express - take a look if you use OE!

And finally, a message from our super service-provider who runs the servers on which is hosted on, Koral:

This Sunday the 4th of August between 0000 and 0200 EST will be undergoing maintenance and upgrades. This will mean that during this time various services including http, ftp and ssh will be going up and down for undeterminate amounts of time. Hopefully this work should only take about 20mins before the server is back to normal.

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

For lack of any nominations, this week's SOTW is the Clan Satal Keto site at made by yours truly. I happen to think it's pretty good, and the ladder stuff definitely involves a good amount of coding skills.

Internet Office Links

Internet Office Poll

What should the IO's new project, a fictional EH newspaper (see report #50) be called?

  • The Hammer
  • Auroran News Network
  • Stick with The Holonet Journals
  • The Imperial Herald
  • EH Gazette
  • Holonet Today


Code Snippet of the Week

Disconnected Recordsets

This ASP script, written by Grail, allows you to open a table in your database, using little resources on the server, and in one line of code!

You can find the full code for this snippet, along with many others, at the IO Code Archive!



In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-2BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoAx2] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor


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