SO Report # 0 (2002-08-14)

This report was submitted by FA Stalker5


During the last few weeks, my time for handling EH matters has declined. The time has now come for me to make my intentions known, I hereby resign from the position of Security Officer of the Emperor's Hammer effective immediately.

For over two years now, I've been doing very demanding jobs within the EH. Firstly Supreme Director (SDIR) and now Security Officer (SO), my time required for the EH has stayed constantly high and I feel it's high-time I took some rest. My time in these positions has been both rewarding and gratifying, and I thank all who have worked with my during that time. I want to take this time to thank especially FA Brad, who was first mentor to me and attaché during my time as Security Officer.

With that thanks comes a request... I hereby officially recommend FA Brad for the position of Security Officer, he's far more qualified than I ever was and has a great attitude for the job. Myself, I wish to return to my advisory position within the Intelligence Division and will hopefully return to command someday, when time allows.

Thank you for your time, that will be all.

Fleet Admiral Samuel "Stalker5" Rothwell
Security Officer of the Emperor's Hammer ( 29th December 2001 - 14th August 2002 )
SO/FA Stalker5/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign/[AoT-***TTDR***]
KP (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

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