XO Report # 7 (2002-04-07)

This report was submitted by SA Astatine

I've started making a note of membership counts, so we can start seeing pretty graphs displayng how things are going. Obviously, only after 2 weeks, it'd be pretty boring. However, the membership total has just recently poked over 4,000 members. This is good stuff and hopefully with JK2, we'll keep on going up. I've emailed all the SGCOMs, with a META keywords list that will result in more hits when people are searching for things. The words list expands on the current one on the EH domain and includes words relating to JK2 and Episode 2.

I've been talking to the TO, AD Havoc, about moving all TO/IWATS stuff off the imperialacademy.org domain. The reason for this? I'm not made of money. I don't actually have a job at the moment and the $60/month is a serious drain on finances. So, during this month, all TO/IWATS materials will be moved over to the emperorshammer.net domain. When this is done, a news item will be issued with updated URLs. On the bright side, the money saved will be used to fund the setup fee for my DSL connection. :P

My CA is currently working on the NL for me. For the handful who submitted reviews, thanks. For the other group of cheapskates who couldn't be bothered forking out the money for JK2, you need to be flogged. :P The NL will feature about 3 reviews, oodles of screenshots from JK2 and other fun like that. For those interested in gettting spanked silly in JK2, the DB is starting to run tournaments using the game.

We've hit the mid-point of my lovely ban. :P Just remember, kids. If it can happen to me, it can and WILL happen to you. Especially COs. Rank and position is no protection from punishment if you violate the rules. I've been hearing reports of a few people throwing their weight around and considering themselves outside the rules. This kind of attitude is inappropriate for anyone in a command position. Humility should be a requirement for such positions. :P

That's about it.

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign
DJP Astatine (Krath)/DGM

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