SCO Report # 0 (2001-11-06)

This report was submitted by FA Kermee

Den still appears to be having some connection problems, if anyone knows exactly what's going on down there, please let me know :P anyway...

1. New-ish Patches: Again, a Den isn't here there's nothing new up yet. If he's not back by next report, I'll try to have a Ast-class Tug so at least the IWATS 10K battle can proceed, however exams on Wednesday, Friday & Monday may interfere.

2. Exams Suck: Yup, they really really suck. The likely hood is that 3 engineering exams will eat up mst of my thinking time this week. I doubt I'll be able to get much done this week as a result..

FA Kermee, fleet man Guy
- CA:SCO/FA Kermee/CA-10/SSSD Sovereign
- DJK (krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan WR-PM w/1/DC-KC
- GOE/GS/SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx13/MoI/MoT-3gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-GoC/OV-2E [LGNR]

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