COMM Report # 5 (2001-11-30)

This report was submitted by VA Motti


COMM Report #5

Greetings again, another slow week in the COMM Office, only a couple of things to share this time. I am feeling better, but working retail during Christmas season still fails to be any fun. Despite all that, I did manage to get a couple things accomplished this week. First, I kept the ops list in #EH updated in accordance with HS receiving an INQ-ship (Congrats, HS!). I also managed to work out the details with SA Kawolski and FA AbsoluteK about a new automated process concerning MoC's. So if you're STILL whining about an MoC you lack... be patient, sheesh. ;) After we get that script punched out, if you still wanna whine about MoC's, all complaints may be directed toward the first inanimate object you can find, cause I don't wanna hear it. >:P That's all for now. I close this week's report by imparting a small bit of wisdom: Go Browns! >:D

Vice Admiral Motti, Communications Officer
COMM/VA Motti/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
SSx2/BS/PC/MoT-1rh/MoC-2BoC-2SoC-1GoC/OV-4E {IWATS-SM/1}
COMM Office:

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