IO Report # 12 (2001-11-09)

This report was submitted by AD Ari

Internet Office News

Work and lots of effort continues to be poured into THJ#2, and I'd like to implore our readers to SUBMIT THEIR WEBSITES FOR REVIEW! It's a free professional opinion on how to improve your website! Hint: Sites that we review and that improve as a result are more eligible to be announced as SotW which means it's easier to get a CoE!
At last, we have confirmation that CEHR, the EH Radio station WILL be returning for sure, and it's reestablishment is underway, and it will be run by IOAs AbsoluteK and Quake. I will announce more information as I receive it.
Also, my internet connection will be somewhat limited for the next week since the line I use to connect is sort of dead, so Df is semi-in-charge. However, from Thursday till Monday I am on full leave, and Df will be writing next week's report.
IO's Personal Movie Recommendation: K-PAX <---AWESOME MOVIE!
Internet Office Poll

This week's poll is to help us get an insight - "What kind of competition should the Internet Office hold?" at
Internet Office Websites Status

Internet Office ( - operational
EH Message Boards ( - operational
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 ( - operational
WebRing ( - operational
Images Archive ( - operational
VBScript IWATS Course ( - operational
Greeting Card Center ( - operational
Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SotW is awarded to House Ronin of Alvaak ( Congrats to DJK Keldorn (!
In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,
[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [IS-4SR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

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