COMM Report # 8 (2001-12-21)

This report was submitted by VA Motti


COMM Report #8

Merry Christmas / Happy Hannukah / Joyous Kwanzaa

Hi again from COMM-ville. Not much to report as usual, really just one important thing to emphasize to EVERYONE WHO USES MESSAGE BOARDS! FA AbsoluteK has informed me that he cannot finalize the new MoC system until enough people add their TC PIN #'s to their MB profiles! That means go edit your profiles and add in your PIN's you slackers! This is your second-last warning, the last will be a TC-wide email regarding the matter. However, I have no more patience for all your jibber-jabber emails about "I should have my MoC! Waah waah!" Henceforth, all complaints about MoC's will be immediately redirected to the round file. Anyhow, I digress. Nothing else of note has happened in our office this week, but it is worth mentioning that NONE of us are on leave for the holidays (take that, Howie >:D). I know I said I'd be working on projects over winter break, but I also didn't expect my work schedule to be so patently insane. I didn't figure I'd have more time at school for EH projects than I would over break; but it happens. Expect to see some cool stuff coming out of our office once I get back to school *ahem* next year. :P Last thing I'll mention is that due to more stupid work scheduling, I won't be able to make it to this week's meeting, so I'll need someone to email me the log. That's all for now, have a safe and happy holiday everyone, and remember to have designated drivers at all your holiday parties. Take care, and thanks for reading!

Vice Admiral Motti, Communications Officer
COMM/VA Motti/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
SSx2/BS/PC/MoT-1rh/MoC-2BoC-2SoC-1GoC/OV-4E {IWATS-SM/1}
COMM Office:

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