SCO Report # 24 (2001-12-11)

This report was submitted by AD Den Darkhill


Well school is done for another semester and I'm back home. Not much of anything done this week as I've been finishing finals and moving stuff by home. I also stalled a bit in hopes that I would have the XP batch file installer done.

Kermee has more or less completed the new EH Order of Battle. There are a few issues with older versions of Netscape he is still sorting out but it has no problems with 6.2. The Order of Battle can be accessed via

I had hoped to have my XP batch file installer done for this report but an elusive scripting bug and finishing finals has proved detrimental in its release. However, I have no reason to doubt that it will be done in time for next weeks report.



SCO/AD Den Darkhill/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
SW Den Darkhill(Sith)/House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow
WR-RM w/2/DC-KC/(BN)
"Fly for Honor, Fly for Glory, come home in bodybag."

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