XO Report # 2 (2002-01-26)

This report was submitted by SA Astatine

As many members have noted in the last few weeks, the imperialacademy.org domain has suffered a range of technical problems. I had been hoping these problems would go away but now they are hampering money-making efforts related outside the EH (I use the domain as a staging ground for demos). So, one way or the other, the problems will be fixed soon. The latest problem is relating to email, meaning that the confirmation emails sent out for competitions processing and for Prelude to Andevia ladder matches aren't being sent. A backlog of about 150 was sent a few days ago, but those generated since have not. This is something I don't really have control over, being Saturday night of a long weekend. The abusive phone call to the XO has to wait til Tuesday.

As per prior discussion with the Fleet Commander, I've decided to introduce two Executive Orders designed to enforce some standardisation. The first deals with recommendations, specifically those dealing with the GOE, IC, MoH and OoR medals, as well as promotion recommendations for the rank of Admiral and higher. It's no secret that people, in the past, have left off relavent authorities (like the XO and OPS) in these recommendations to minimise the chances of opposition. Those people do nothing but tarnish the work of those who have genuinely earned their awards and ranks and will not be tolerated. Such recommendations must now include the Executive Officer on the email. The second Executive Order relates to Command Attaches. From now on, the XO and FO must be notified of apparent CA appointees by the relavent CO. Why? So we can check their record and make sure they haven't been a naughty boy or girl. The CA is generally the first in line to replace a CO when he or she leaves the position and we should expect...demand just as high standards from CAs as we do from when we open applications for a CO post. Anyone who tries to get around this will get slapped with a 404 (Failure to obey an order or regulation) charge at the very least.

The requirements for Training Officer have been sent for posting on the EH domain. It will also be posted on the TC news page and the imperialacademy news page. Training Officer and Dean will not be spliting up. There isn't the work to justify splitting the two positions and they would just be in conflict.

The winners of the Design a Bad Guy competition have been selected. The lucky people are:
FM/LCM Reb Crush/Talon 3-3/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
FM/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
DA Elya (Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto
FL-TCS/LCM Master/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
FL/LCM Alain Dindareanu/Omicron 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
Congratulations to them. Their entries will be added to the enemies page and we'll start looking at using them in future competitions.

It seems I've made a little screwup with the Newsletter and it's late. :P It will be released next Friday and in the meantime, I encourage people to sent stuff for the next one to me. Subgroup members are especially encouraged since the newsletter has typically been light on content from subgroup people.

And..um...apparently acquiring Natalie Portman is 20 times a better New year's resolution than finding a cure for cancer (according to http://www.imperialacademy.org/pollresults.asp?ID=10)

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au

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