LO Report # 37 (2002-01-26)

This report was submitted by AD Ramos Kanzco

Logistics Office Report...

Welcome to another Logistics Office Report!

Operation: Resurrection Update

Its been a great week for Operation: Resurrection with the development of various pieces behind the scenes. The teaser trailers are slowly getting made and we have a full motion video trailer made for a future release, though it gives away some secrets so we can't release it just yet :)

See the TRAILER and find out about LINKAN TERNOD at http://vanguard.phpcoding.org/lo/

The development of the gaming side of Resurrection continues with the completion of the TIE and XWA Training CABs, along with fictional plot. The plotline for the main three CABs is completed and work has begun on writing up the complex fiction for each individual mission.
Thanks go to the full Operation: Resurrection team for their dedication to the project and their continued hard work:

Director - Vice Admiral Zorrixor
Assistant Director - Vice Admiral Kano
Plot Supervisor/Author - Major Ekim
Webmaster - Rear Admiral Leeson
Animation Coordinator - Commander Mycroft
Narrator - Major Dark Hawk
TIE Developer - Lieutenant Colonel Drake
XWA Developer - Major Roguewing

Imperial Historical Society Update

LOA/COL Gilkane Satal has resigned his post as Chief of the IHS. I will be closing down this division to provide more time for Important LO tasks, such as archiving and other duties assigned to us by the Grand Admiral and Executive Officer. It will reopen when we finish our current obligations.

Logistics Office Website:

The Logistics Office Website and fully finished File Archives, Census, and Memorium will be made public at the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps meeting, along with the release of several squadron, ship, and a NEW subgroup history! Thanks to FA Darkov for all of his work.

Mr/Miss EH Competition 2002!

Many have entered... Only sixteen have made it to the next round! The URL for the Mr/Miss EH Round 1 pairings and Sweet Sixteen qualifiers can be found at..


The actual voting form will be up later tonight.

EH Census...  

If you follow this link to the EH message board you fill find a topic with questions for the EH Census...

Imperial Census Questions...

This will be considered along with questions and surveys from the EH Command Staff. The other part of the census will be to employ surveyors to measure the current strengh of each subgroup based on a comparision to every other SG in terms of stats and numbers. This information will be relayed to the Executive Office.


The Newsletter attachments of old have been found and reaquired! This is a huge step in EH History renewal, so what I have done and What I will be doing is to make a form for anyone who wishes to know anything about the EH, and I will answer them! Any files you need I will find for you and any information you wish to know I will answer! Currently there is a listing of the LO Archives online at...


The Title of these services will be duely named Member Services :)

It will be up on the new LO site. Thanks to COL Ian for sorting this out!


Next week will be a year as LO for me. Alot has been done in that time span and hell, Im proud of every moment of it. Thanks members for putting up with me, and allowing me to have this job. But the most important person in this office isn't me, the most important people are my staff.

Without people like VA Zorrixor, and VA Crusader, COL Gilkane, and MAJ Ekim, and the whole lot of you, this would be possible. A nice rewards ceremony and review of the LO office for this Logistic Year will be in next week's special report.


LO/AD Ramos

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