XO Report # 8 (2002-04-27)

This report was submitted by SA Astatine

Raven Software, creators of Jedi Knight 2, have released the editing tools for that game. It seems LucasArts is finally waking up and realising that having a community built around their games, a community that can easily edit and add to those games, is a Good Thing(tm). I've had a play around with the editor and it isn't too hard to use. The biggest challenge is coming up with your level design first.

I've created a page on the TIE Corps site, listing all the currently active Executive Orders. These are listed at http://www.emperorshammer.net/orders.asp and will eventually be linked via the emperorshammer.org domain. In addition, the Training Manual has been moved to http://www.emperorshammer.net/to/manual/index.htm and updated with the latest rank, position and medal images. Over the coming week, the rest of the Training Office site will migrate over so the TO can manage the site with greater ease.

It seems we're entering the silly season in more than one way. First we have had an email virus outbreak on a mailing list. I've posted a quick and dirty guide to computer security and good practices to stop this happening to yourself. You can check it out at http://www.ehnet.org/article.php?sid=485 Also, there's been a lot of incidents of people doing things they shouldn't really be doing according to their position and bypassing chain of command. The chain of command and the duties structure in the EH is what makes it work. If every man and his dog decided to step outside those boundaries, the EH would descend into chaos, with numerous people competing for the same "patch of dirt". This structure also ensures that people in specialist positions (such as the CS) remain on task and don't wander too much (thus degrading their performance).

Subgroup Person of the Week
A new feature in my report, I'll try to highlight the achievements of a subgroup member in each one. The first one is Primarch Koral (adam_ashley@softhome.net), of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Koral runs the server that hosts, from memory, the BHG site, the Image Archive and now, a mirror for the TIE Corps' battles. For setting up the mirror and other contributions to web hosting services, I've decided to award him the Silver Star. Congratulations.

If you want to nominate someone for the Subgroup Person of the Week, you can email me with a brief outline of what they've done.

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign
DJP Astatine (Krath)/DGM

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