SO Report # 0 (2002-03-03)

This report was submitted by FA Stalker5

Operation: Hive-Mind

Due to recent disturbances in a recent subgroup, the security office has come out of a period of very quiet times into a period of high activity, ISB has been assigned on various areas, not just surrounding this subgroup. The Security Office is at a heightened state of vigilance, and we will come down hard on anyone breaking the rules at this point in time.

New Cases
This week, the following cases have passed through the security office and have been assigned by HCI

Case # Title Charges Sentence
0130 The Empire vs Axxeman Charged with: Violation of Article 403 (Disrespect towards a superior officer) & 409 (Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentlemen) Not Yet Passed
0131 The Empire vs JediJawa Plead guilty to : Violation of Article 403 (Disrespect towards a superior officer), 408 (Provoking speech), 409 (Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentlemen), other charges dismissed as unnecessary 404 (Faillure to Obey and Order or Regulation), 407 (False statements) Expulsion.
0132 The Empire vs Kweeky Charged with: 402 (Conspriacy (To Break CoC's)), 404 (Faillure to Obey an Order or Regulation (IRC Code of Conduct)), 409 (Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman)
Not Yet Passed

Also, MAJ Corran Horn has been expelled for violations of his probation.

Thank you for your time, that is all

Fleet Admiral Samuel "Stalker5" Rothwell
Security Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
SO/FA Stalker5/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign/[AoT-***TTDR***]
KP (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

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