SO Report # 0 (2001-06-17)

This report was submitted by VA Plif

Security Office Weekly Report
As Submitted By:
SO/FA Nightflyer/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign


-Well, I had my karate camp this week, resulting in two national tournament medals and a fourth degree black belt. Yay, me. :P As a result, I've had not more than two waking hours per day at home for the past week, which doesn't lend well to being online. As you may have guessed, I wasn't online this week.

-VA Plif has also been away this weekend, which is why the report didn't get out sooner. The Sector Rangers have had no decrease in activity, tho.

-Because of the loss of hosting, the Security Office page has moved to

-And now, the Sector Rangers report:

Emperor's Hammer Sector Rangers
Weekly Report

As Submitted By:
SEO/DRA Halcyon


From the Desk of the Commissioner

Yes, I'm away right now, but I've asked SEO Halcyon to write the rest of the report with a little guidance. I'll be back soon, no worries. Now, here's Halcyon:

I would like to thank SEC Plif for giving me the oppurtunity to write this report. I'll try not to mess it up too much and will endeavour to try and keep the place in one piece while he's away. Now onto the actual report.

It would seem that when the SEC goes on leave, rangers forget to report. A reminder to all rangers that no matter who is on leave, your reports go to your SEO, and the Reporting yahoogroups, everyweek, no exceptions (unless you are on leave). All SEO's did get their reports into me, which I thank them for.

-SR Sabe is on leave for a few weeks and SR Vengeance has returned from leave. Nothing else to report of for Team I.
-No reports were received by Team II SEO. All incidents were handled by ops.

-All was quiet for Team III. SR Devon Thannier may be on leave because of RL, and SR Triji Boliv is having problems with his ISP, so he will be in and out of touch.

-No reports received by Team IV SEO, and nothing of interest to report of online. SR Khan is on leave. I ask that SR Wes Janson please report into his SEO and SEC Plif, stating that you are still active

Remember that our jobs as Sector Rangers mean that we must have a presence online, and as such, should be spending ample time on IRC. Our duty is to patrol, and you can't patrol if you are not there.

If you haven't already noticed, we all have assignments. Each assignment is Team specific. Each team is assigned 3 Sub-Groups that will be your main focus when you report in. Visit our messageboard for your specific assignments and if you have any further questions, talk to your SEO's who will answer any of your problems.

Commission Update

18 Active Rangers, including the SEC
7 Unassigned or Reserve Rangers

Report Numbers on hold until VA Plif returns.

Administration Staff Update

Two applications have been received this week, with one application having already been sent to SEC Plif for testing. It is good to see people who are eager to be rangers.

The Roster and Webpage remain updated, and the Message Board is functioning properly once again.

Ranger Enlistment Opportunities

As usual, the Sector Rangers are taking applications. Send them to Director Halcyon at

Respectfully submitted,
SR/SEO-DRA Halcyon/Patrol Team I/1-1
The Anla'shok-"We're watching you"

FM-SEO/MAJ Halcyon/Yod 1-2/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
"200 Club"

ENV/Halcyon/Alpha 4-1/Wing I/DREAD Tranquility
DOC/LT Halcyon/FMC-TC/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
JH Halcyon(Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
CMDR of Pandragon


That's all for this week.


Fleet Admiral Jacen Nightflyer
Emperor's Hammer Security Officer
SO/FA Nightflyer/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
[KE (Krath)/P:GM/Rogue] {IWATS-ASP-CBX-IIC/1-SM/1/2-TM}

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