IO Report # 9 (2001-01-26)

This report was submitted by AD Absolutek


CA:IO Matir is now heading up the project to make the EH Links Database website using PHP & MySQL. As i've mentioned before, this will be a Yahoo! style categorized links database for EH websites.

IOA Ari is (at least he SHOULD be), working on a page for the IO website with some links and information about ASP (active server pages) technology, and how EH members can learn to use it for their websites.

After searching high and low, i managed to find a very nice website for this week's EH Site Of The Week... The home page of the Infiltrator Wing's very own MC90 Warspite at Congratulations to webmaster CAP Niksa Vel (

Respectfully submited,
IO/AD Absolutek/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
"C code. C code run. Please run, PLEASE!!!"

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