SO Report # 0 (2000-12-22)

This report was submitted by VA Mairin Astoris

As submitted by:
SO/FA Nightflyer/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign

Well, there's been a lot going on this week.

-I was promoted to Fleet Admiral. Yes, I'm as surprised as the rest of you are. Apparently, HA Astatine and FA Stalker5 recommended the promotion to me, so my thanks goes out to them. Of course, I must also thank GA Ronin for acting on the recommendation. :)

-The Sector Enforcement Commissioner, VA Pel, has resigned from his post. Therefore, I am accepting applications for the position. Go to to see the requirements.

-I am still attempting to start the Technical Security project, but interest seems to be very low. I will be accepting applications for the rest of this week, but if I do not find a sutiable candidate soon, I will close the project down.

-With CM Dharus' departure last week, the Security Office web page will be offline for a while. Please be patient while it is restored.

That's all for this week. Happy Holidays!

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