IO Report # 47 (2002-07-12)

This report was submitted by FA Ari

July 12 , 2002

Internet Office News

Things are warming up in the IO with our newest venture,, coming close to completion. This site, designed by IOA Alex Foley and CA:IO Mutilator, will hopefully serve as a homepage or start page for a lot of EHers. Featured in it will be random IRC quotes, fleetwide news, CDEX stock quotes, a full fleetwide search engine and much much more - all 100% customizable to what YOU want.

Hawkeye II Voice Scripts have been sent to the voice actors. Voice actors for the Hawkeye II trailer must have their lines in by next week, other voice actors have 2-3 weeks to complete theirs. IOA Leeson has already begun working on one of the sites required for Hawkeye and tentatively when is done, the rest of the IO staff will follow in suit. I am aiming for the Hawkeye 2 Qualficiation Test to be released in mid-September and have the competition during October, but that's very unclear at this point in time.

IOA AbsoluteK continues to work on CEHR, the Center for EH Radio, and should have it up soon hopefully!

MinosNIC will be configuring register_globals to OFF in PHP starting next week (July 15). If you are a PHP developer and are still unsure what this means or how to handle it, please let any member of the Internet Office know and they will help you out.

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SOTW is the Avenger Squadron site at It was very close with some other nominees, but in the end, the Avenger site, coded by MAJ Dae Cam ( and coupled with a layout design by Keldorn ( the Avenger site has a lot of extra added features that you don't find on many other squadron sites. The site contains lots of information and very nicely done PHP coding. Certainly worth the 5 stars it's earned!

Internet Office Links

Internet Office Poll

What's your favorite Internet programming IWATS course?

  • IIC
  • ASP
  • PHP
  • VBS
  • XML


In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-2BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoAx2] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor


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