XO Report # 14 (2002-08-04)

This report was submitted by SA Astatine

The review of COs is moving onto the SGCOM stage. This review will be using criteria such as websites, reports, etc. So for those of you without operation sites, now would be a good time to get them up. As mentioned in the last XO report, the review will contain a recommendation for each CO, which can range from a reward for good service to removal.

My XOA is back from leave, so we should be expecting a new Newsletter soon. I'm just waiting for a decent number of submissions to build up. This coming NL should be the last of the "rush jobs" to get back on schedule. After that, a full month can be allocated for submissions, as well as a proper deadline/release time table. One of the upcoming NLs will be a BHG "feature" edition, so if you're a BHG member, ask Trench about the details.

With the new HI, HA Royal, I've put forward the suggestion that now would be a good time to start thinking about ways to improve the EH's justice system. This doesn't just cover the HCI, but could include other areas too, such as how the cases are handled, gathering of evidence, procedures and so on. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how you think the justice system could be improved, feel free to send them to me. On the subject of justice, just because there isn't an Abuse of Power charge anymore, that doesn't make it okay to conduct personal vendettas against other members and abuse your position and power.

The roster is continuing its generally upwards trend. The main gains continue to be the DB (36) and the BHG (18). Based on the numbers I've got, that puts the roster around 4,850.

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