XO Report # 18 (2002-11-10)

This report was submitted by SA Astatine

The main sticking point with the domain was the BSF system. However, after poking around a bit and talking with the former XO, Kawolski, it seems the issue was with the component that handles the zipping and upzipping of the pilot files (hence, the hanging when submitting zipped files). The component has been upgraded and I'm awaiting final testing from the TAC to verify its operation. At this stage, the rest of the site is effectively "operational" and once the BSF segment is working, I'll open the database fully and just fix errors as they happen.

Since some COs don't seem to know, I'll say this here. Reports have to be submitted to the database and to the FC and myself. I use the reports in the database when checking who has and hasn't been submitting them, as well as tracking the historical progress of COs. It's just a simple 2 minute job, copy-paste, so there's no excuse not to do it.

It seems I've let the NL slide again, bad me. I'll be focussing on getting back on schedule again since the database is mostly operational now. With the release of the Ep2 DVDs and videos, this will mean oodles of reviews for it. Or at least, I'm expecting lots of reviews. :P

That's about it.

SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au

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