LO Report # 9 (2003-08-17)

This report was submitted by VA Darknyte

Logistics Officer Report
August 17, 2003
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Yes, I know my report is late, but I was waiting on some breaking news to get in the report before I sent it out.

First the winners have been chosen in the Heroes Flag Competition. Congrats to CPT Tempest and CPT Chris McCollum who took 1st and 2nd place respectively. All submissions were awesome, and it was a hard choice for Daniel and I to make, but in the end those two stood out above the rest. I have your rewards on hold guys, I'll submit the medal reqs for your Iron Stars as soon as we have a new OPS.

Now, the news that made my report late. My website and domain as you all know has been suffering some major issues lately(ie, it didn't work at all). After much cajoling from the IO and a bit of wrangling with my hosting company's T/S department, I have it figured out. It appears they went and changed my nameservers and didn't think to tell me. That's all well and good if your domain is registered through your hosting company, but since mine was not I just went down. I finally got the proper information and I'm happy to say that cosmicholonet.org and all sites hosted on it are back online. Those sites include the website for DDD squad of Galthain, the Advanced Guard Website, and the LO Website.

The AG and LO sites have gotten redirects added to them today, you can find them at ag.cosmicholonet.org and lo.cosmicholonet.org respectively.

I'm still taking last minutes nominations for Mr/Ms EH. Get those in guys, the winners are being selected on Aug 21.

That's all for this week, yay for the LO site!

In Service to the Empire,
Vice Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

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