SCO Report # 26 (2003-09-27)

This report was submitted by FA Ender mBind


  Science Office Report


"All these people running around willy-nilly, having their own opinions, and making up their own minds! It's hideously chaotic and totally unacceptable!"


Welcome to my twenty-sixth public report as a Science Officer, on time! (That TIE Experimental Mk. I finally got fixed) So let's get to the news:

Science Office News:

  1. I've added some basic data and new lay outing to the craft which had "Technical Specs undergoing compilation". I've also added the GSP and T/e4 in similar fashion and updated their Order of Battle craft links. More modifications like this are coming up.
  2. This week again saw the release of several patches and we actually reached a milestone in the XvT/TIE95/BoP project... All fighters of XWA are now also available for XvT and TIE95! A layout of this week's releases:
    • TIE Raptor: Zsinj's forces low budget interceptor, has been released for TIE95 and XvT. It features 4 lasers, agility and a very small profile.
    • Planetary Fighter: Thanks to the help of CM Tim I've been able to make this patch for TIE95 and XvT. It's a larger fighter with excellent speed and acceleration.
    • TIE Experimental Fighters: First appeared in "X-Wing: Alliance" besides several other previously unseen TIE models: Developed under the supervision of Admiral Zaarin as prototypes in a program involving fighter drones. Admiral Zaarin's projects with Seinar Fleet Systems produced several very good new fighters and many bad ones before eventually he fell to treason. After Zaarin's deceit the lack of shields and hyperdrive finished off the project in favour of the TIE Advanced and Defender.
      The T/e1 (with 1 turbolaser), T/e2 (T/F with 2 turbolasers), T/3 (T/I with big launchers), T/e4 (droid kamikaze craft) and T/e5 (T/F with engine booster) patches are now all available for TIE95 and XvT. All have XvT-class OPTs with default, EH, ASF or ATF/DB textures as options.

Science Office Status:

CA:SCO: Admiral Darkhill has been coding the most excellent EH Patch Manager, and finally has his computer back in full working order.

SCOA: CM Tim has helped making the Planetary Fighter patch and has been working on Project Cueball.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at Updates have been made to the patch archive.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. This week saw the release of 12 more patches and the milestone of having all the XWA fighters available for XvT and TIE95.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released before 2050. ;)

Project Cueball: This project's goal is to add more and larger astronomical objects to XWA, perhaps even to scale of planets. Name is derived from the fact that you don't actually need a Death Star if you can dump 30 kilometres of rock at Mach 30 on a planet as well. Beta OPT is very impressive and functional... expect it in XWA soon.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC I’m practically always online at #science_office, #emperor’s_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/GSx2/SSx7/BSx4/PCx7/ISMx16/MoI/MoT-35rh-56gh-6bh/IS-1SR-2GR-1PR/LoC-TS-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoS/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-JS-M/1/2-OPT-SM/2-TM-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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