XO Report # 27 (2003-10-25)

This report was submitted by SA Astatine

Newsletter 100 has been completed and will be mirrored shortly by the relevant parties. Newsletter 101 will contain the content from TO/AD Keldorn's competition and will be the last NL that I have content for. As such, I need new content and have spammed the daylights out of the message boards so everyone knows. In addition to Jedi Academy and Star Wars Galaxies reviews, I'd also like Knights of the Old Republic reviews too.

I'm still accepting applications for XOA. Details are on the message board at http://theholo.net/mb/viewtopic.php?t=8334

Since the current XO site is crap, I'll be starting a competition soon to get it redesigned. Details will be posted on the TC site and main message boards as usual.

Lastly, when you run into a database error (regardless of it being the TC site or not), don't say "It's not working" :P Internet Explorer tends to display "friendly" error messages that don't give details about the problem - it's a good idea to turn that off so you can send the details specifically to the person in question. The detailed error message in most cases can narrow the problem down considerably to a few possible causes, greatly speeding up resolution time.

SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au

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