SO Report # 18 (2003-10-26)

This report was submitted by VA Ziggy

Security Office Report #18

1. Zoltar is in the process of moving, and as such will not be online for a while. As always in such a case, direct any matters that require attention to the CA:SO, me. (

2. Nothing worthy enough of an indictment this week. A few minor problems, but mostly resolved via a warning. I'm amazed that most people are being so well-behaved.

3. As a reminder, all rDB members are to be shot-.err...banned on sight from Emperor's Hammer channels. Any rDB members seeking readmission into the Fleet are to be directed to the Security Office.

4. Another reminder, do not give out your passwords to anyone for *any* reason. Recently I witnessed a person on IRC masquerading as Cservice and asking for usernames and passwords. Be careful. Nobody will ever ask you for your password, unless they have malicious intentions.

Vice Admiral Sithspawn

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