IO Report # 73 (2003-01-10)

This report was submitted by FA Ari

January 10 , 2003

Internet Office News

Well, IOA Turtle is now officially on extended leave, so that means I will be running MinosNIC until he returns. So just bear with me while I get the hang of it :P

As reported from AD Leeson, the EH Design Team is making progress with several possible designs being tossed around. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll have a final design decided upon.

There were some cases of "internet misconduct" this week. I'd just like to remind everyone a) the EHNet MBs are ALL bound by the AoWs, Bylaws, and CoCs. Any violation WILL be investigated. b) MinosNIC users are expected to display good conduct when using Minos services. Any hacking attempt is expressly forbidden, will be logged, and perpetrators will be prosecuted by the HCI.

Due to a decline in IO activity, I will be brainstorming to come up with a large widescale IO project in order to raise the standards back up. If you have anything you'd like to see from the IO, let me know!

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SOTW is the Grand Master's Royal Guard Site at - congrats to CRU Incandescence ( on his 5 star site!

Internet Office Links

Internet Office Poll

What's your resolution for 2003?

  • Be a nicer person
  • Be a meaner person
  • Acquire Natalie Portman
  • Find the $1.46 I lost under the couch
  • Become a Fleet Admiral


Code Snippet of the Week

Multi table queries

A MySQL snippet by Reblet that will compact all your MySQL queries into one!

You can find the full code for this snippet, along with many others, at the IO Code Archive!



In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-2BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoAx2] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor


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