SO Report # 20 (2003-01-03)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

All right. The holidays are pretty much over now. I am reviewing old e-mails and receiving complaints as of today. Nobody was sent to the HCI this week, but it seems like that may change quickly. First of all, even though the bots, DeathFyre and the like are not on IRC enforcing swearing, it is against the Codes of Conduct to swear. It doesn't matter if you are quoting something or not. All channel operators are to enforce this by giving a warning on the first offense, then kick on the second offense and ban (for about 5 minutes or so) for the third offense. Also if there are more than 3 offenses by one person, notify me ( and the Communications Officer ( If channel operators are not available to moderate the channel, then DEOP yourself! This includes when you are away. Something else I noticed that after reviewing my old e-mails, is CMDRs in the TIE Corps recruiting illegally. Be sure to read the Flight Officer's Standing Orders and obey them. I have a number of pending illegal recruitment cases to investigate. Another problem I have is reviewing evidence where in it members are speaking languages other than English. I do not speak other languages and must rely on others to translate the logs. If I am unable to translate these logs, I do not want to just throw out the evidence because I cannot understand what it means. Be sure to speak English in all EH related Channels. If you are unsure if your channel is EH-related, ask me. I will contact my staff this weekend to see their readiness since I will have many complaints to process. Do not be surprised if you get e-mails from me asking about evidence, or the like. By January 6th almost all of the HCI officers will be back from leave and cases could be sent to them as early as then. I will make an effort to contact the accused on every complaint that goes into the investigation phase. And as always, if you sent a complaint feel free to ask me how the status is going. I thank SA Astatine for awarding me with a Gold Star. It is much appreciated and I will continue to do my best in this position. SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/GS/FoEWx2/BS/PCx7/IMC/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/CSM/OV-6E/OoEwx4d [HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

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