COMM Report # 34 (2002-11-16)

This report was submitted by AD Motti


COMM Report #34

Hooray, winter is here! Here's this week's fabulous COMM report.


We are still accepting applications for COMMA, and will be until Andrew gets his new computer (see below). Depending on a few things, the number of COMMA's we hire is subject to change in the near future.


Andy's computer keeps getting delayed by problems with the maker finding chips and cards and whatnot. ALLEGEDLY he'll be in the fold soon, but his status is day-to-day. :P


We now have an real direction with a project, which is still in the proposal stage, but things are looking solid so far. An official draft of this project's plan will be in to Ast & Ronin by the time the next report comes out. Look for official announcements here soon.


My finals week starts next Friday, and I'll be swamped from then until 3 days later on Monday. I won't be on leave, but emails will take a bit longer to anwser. On Monday I'll be going back home... so everything will be back to normal (if not increased) speed in the COMMA Office.

That's all for this week, thanks for reading!

Admiral Motti, Communications Officer
COMM/AD Motti/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
SSx2/BS/PC/MoT-1rh/MoC-2BoC-2SoC-1GoC/OV-4E {IWATS-SM/1}
COMM Office:

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