COMM Report # 18 (2005-05-15)

This report was submitted by AD Joey C

Admiral Joey C reporting in for the Communications Office

Projects, projects, and more projects. And they're not the fun EH-type of projects, but the more oppressive school ones. I don't expect to have much free time due to these any time soon.

Congratulations to all the April MoC winners, which have all been processed, bar the TCBG medal, which is pending, and the Sov, which seems to have vanished off the face of the earth. Special congratulations go to two pilots - LC Kodiak, and LCM Landeux, who have both won multiple MoC-boc's, and are one away from levelling up to the next type of medal.

New TC-wide fiction competitions are coming soon, so be on the lookout for those.

The Emperor's Hammer Quote Archive will be moved to a more stable hosting in the near future once I talk to TIMMAY about it, since it has been experiencing prolonged downtime recently.

That's it for this week. (yes, a lot DOES happen to the COMM) So until next time...

Admiral Joey C - Putting the C in competant.

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