LO Report # 18 (2004-06-26)

This report was submitted by VA Xander Drax

Logistics Office Report #18 - 06/26/04

Logistics News

1. Thanks to the tireless efforts of HA Pri, the unthinkable has happened. A copy of the old codex has been located! Now it just falls to us to get the info in it up to date and included in the new codex. Mad props to Pri.

2. Another part of the EH's history has been preserved and added to the codex. The "Faces of the Senate" section for the Imperial Senate has been added to the Codex. This preserves various layouts of the IS throughout the years that were created by former M:COMM and CHS Orv Dessrx. Thanks to Orv and Demerzel for putting this into my hands.

3. Members, if you knew someone in the EH that has died, make sure to contact the LO as soon as possible. These members deserve to be added to the EH Memorium, but I cannot make that happen without the help of those that knew them. Make sure they are remembered and send whatever you have to us.

4. As always, the Logistics Office is looking for historical items for the Codex and Newsletter archives. Some people, as mentioned above, have gotten us some of that information and seen it added within a day. Anyone is welcome to contact us in reguards to this project with items that should be archived.

Logistics Staff

LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
HA Priyum Patel
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok

Logistics Links

http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium

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