IO Report # 9 (2004-06-27)

This report was submitted by AD Robert Dura

-- News --

Yes, SWG is addictive, but no, I haven't stopped my IO stuff yet and gone completely AWOL. Work on the new Training Office site continues. :P

My apologies to anyone who tried to email me last week, I might have not recived your email. The hosting company that hosts didn't recive an updated credit card information, so they pulled the plug on the machine. This also effected the CD and HF sites.

Squadfirst 2.0.5 will be released later today, I had hoped for a real bug fix, but I was unable to duplicate a bug that someone had sent in. So all that's changed with this version is updating the Tie Corps site to from Though due to DNS changes, the old link will still work.

In COMM related news, just incase ppl forgot Turtle was off jumping out of airplanes and hopefully not going splat. All I got there is that a few new accounts for minos net went thru, and that there were a few moderator changes to the message board.

-- Poll --

Last week's poll was "What would you like to learn?" This time we had a turn out of only 16 people. First place was PHP with 10 votes, Second was "Other" with 5 votes. Thanks to all those that participated.

This week's poll is:
"Which browser do YOU use?"
* Internet Explorer
* Mozilla/Netscape
* Opera
* Netscape 4.x
* Other (explain)

-- Site of the Week --

This week's site of the week is Fleet Admiral Keldorn's new Security Office site, located at the same place as the previous one, 5 stars to the Fleet Admiral because his site is just so much better than the one I had there previously.

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