COMM Report # 10 (2005-02-27)

This report was submitted by AD Joey C

Admiral Joey C reporting in for the Communications Office

Short report this week, as I have three mountains of work to, each one more depressingly taller than the last.

Just a reminder that if you're an operator, and you're going to idle for an extensive period of time, please de-op yourselves. This helps everyone present. If your channel doesn't have any available operators and there's an incident occuring, check to see whether myself (`Leek) or the Security Officer (`Vlad) are on IRC. Be sure to also add our Cservice nicks to your channel's X list, so we can effectively help out.

No COMM news this week, several ongoing projects are still being worked on in my rapidly dwindling free time.

Weekly Winner

This week's winner is...

Pickled Yoda

(Gilad_WSR) So Archon and them are trying to beg me to do the RoS run-on
(Gilad_WSR) I thought about just posting, "Gilad sits at his command post on the ISD Grey Wolf where he belongs, not galivanting around the galaxy hunting for Jedi or rDB"
(Onion) you should.
(Gilad_WSR) I told them I was a pilot, not a writer
(Onion) Can I use that excuse for my Wing Reports?
(Gilad_WSR) No
(Gilad_WSR) You still have to write reports ;p

Thrilling. Now back to work. I promise a bigger, funnier report next week. Honest.

Admiral Joey C - "Get away from me, work!"

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