SO Report # 22 (2003-01-17)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

Nobody has been sent to the HCI this week as of yet. I have a few which are about to be. VA Zoltar reported in and I will now give him some assignments. Of those who sent complaints, it is important to remember to use the chain of command first if possible. I do not enjoy spending over an hour to download evidence and then get a mail that says "ignore that complaint--we resolved it through the chain of command." I handle complaints from the Command Staff and from other members who already tried the chain of command. I also handle complaints for severe regulation violations. Use your own discretion as to what is "severe". I suggest allowing yourself to cool down if you were insulted from a violation. After reflecting on the incident you then are better able to exercise your own judgment as to what action should be taken. There are times when I receive updated information on members who were expelled or are under suspension/probation, etc. Information on expelled members should be sent to the High Court of Inquisitors (HI Royal,; TRIB Moreco,; and WARD Danrik, Members who are expelled are not allowed to rejoin. The only way they can rejoin is from a pardon by the High Inquisitor, Executive Officer or Fleet Commander. When this has occurred, the members is usually given a probationary period where they cannot join, but may enter EH IRC channels and post on the Message Boards. After the probationary period, the member may join at the lowest position and rank level. They start with 0 medals but after a period may then rise in rank and position like any normal member. Of course, specific orders from the HCI and XO/FC take precedence over anything else. Once again I am reminding members to follow the IRC Codes of Conduct when you are in EH channels on IRC. An EH channel is a channel where members of the EH discuss EH matters at any time. Also channel names that suggest EH activity, like the name "eh" or any group name (of a subgroup, ship, or smaller unit). Do not think it is okay to swear and insult others in channels that aren't #Emperor's_Hammer, #DB, or #TIECorps. There are many other EH IRC Channels. I try to answer all e-mails that require a response (specifically complaints and inquiries that are sent only to me). My availability on IRC is limited to late weeknights (sometimes), but I am mostly available on there on the weekends. A complaint may not be checked unless if you e-mail it to me at SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/GS/FoEWx2/BS/PCx7/IMC/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/CSM/CoL/OV-6E/OoEwx4d [HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

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