SO Report # 26 (2003-02-14)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

Happy Valentine's Day. Nobody gets candy or flowers from me, but you wouldn't expect that from the Security Officer, would you? Almost one week ago the Security Office Staff has a new addition, welcome LCM Cyrus ( as a new Security Office Assistant (SOA). He will be assisting with webpage programming and various other tasks. Another thing to note is that VA Zoltar is fully back in action so I have tasked him with some old complaints that need to be addressed. I'm trying to keep on top of new complaints that come in, but as always if you want to know what is happening with a complaint you sent, please e-mail me to ask about it. I will try my best to give you an honest answer as to where I am. It may take about a week to get to where I decide if an investigation is to proceed or I decide that the complaint should be sent to superior officers or is to be declined. I've noticed that many complaints I have received recently are those that should be handled by me and the chain of command isn't appropriate (or applicable). I commend those who are following proper procedure. (Someone might actually read these reports! heh). Something to remember is that I appreciate it if the total of all file attachments were less than 700KB if possible. Try zipping logs/e-mails/webpage files as they compress nicely. I can decompress nearly any compressed file so go ahead and zip it. I appreciate not spending an hour downloading file attachments, which I don't know is evidence or a potential virus or a SPAM attachment. (Your SO still has dial-up Internet). I have plenty of assistants and informants/contacts now. If you want to assist in the security of the EH, I suggest joining the Intelligence Division. If I happen to be in need of more help, check my weekly reports. Some of the tasks that I need to perform, I pass on to the Intelligence Division, and so you can help me out by being an Intel agent. No one was sent to the HCI this past week. There are many complaints that are under investigation or are in the review phase (what happens immediately after I receive a complaint). Check out the High Court of Inquisitors webpage to see if members are sent to the HCI, and you may be able to report on members who may be banned from IRC who are there illegally. Expelled members may enter EH IRC channels, unless if the Court Docket says otherwise. ALL Most Wanted members are to be banned from EH channels on site. Try to get as much contact information on them as possible and inform the High Inquisitor ( and me ( Last week Mirei Seppen was sent to the HCI. She pleaded guilty and sentenced to be expelled from the EH. She is not banned from EH channels, but is not allowed to rejoin the EH without permission of the Fleet Commander, Executive Officer, or High Inquisitor. If you believe she has rejoined the EH illegally, contact the High Inquisitor ( and me ( immediately. If you receive an e-mail and it is from (, do not download and run the attachment! I can only send mail as and even then it may be a virus. Klez is a virus that fakes who the mail is sent from. Be sure to get the message headers and send that information to FA Ari ( Again all EH members should update their virus definition files in the anti-virus program and run a full system scan. Also be sure to install critical updates to your Operating System (Windows Update Critical Updates for most people). These things can prevent computer failure. It is wise to backup your files and all of us need to do a better job of that (myself included). Behave. I hope to one-week say that I didn't receive any complaints and nobody was sent to the High Court of Inquisitors. SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/GS/FoEWx2/BS/PCx7/IMC/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/CSM/CoL/OV-6E/OoEwx4d [HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

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