SO Report # 24 (2003-01-31)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

Computer viruses are spreading rampant -- update virus definitions and scan regularly, never open attachments you are not sure of. If you want to report the virus, copy the e-mail header information (you may have to select to view all headers from your e-mail program) and send it to FA Ari at ( He handles the viruses. I am only to be contacted if you feel a member has sent a virus to another member knowingly. The viruses that spread these days usually send their own e-mails to possibly anybody on your address books and even e-mails from files you have stored on your computer. My tips: Do not use Outlook Express or Outlook as a mail client. Many viruses are written to exploit these programs. Seek other alternatives--always delete e-mails that you are not sure about. And update your computer with Windows Update (assuming you are using Windows for your Operating System). I am catching up on old complaints while receiving new ones. E-mail me if you want an update on a complaint that you sent. It helps if you tell me the date you sent the complaint e-mail. If I do not respond to a complaint mail within 24 hours, contact me again to make sure I received it. I'm considering adding something to my office page which talks in detail about the Security Office and what you may have to do one day if you report or wish to report an EH regulations violation. Those along with making a database for the Office that will allow members who send complaints to check on the status of complaints are my goals for this year. Anybody (who is a current member) may send a complaint. Again, if you can use the chain of command and you feel that the offense isn't that big. You probably will think that it is a big thing because it happened to you, but take a moment to think about the scope of what happened. I will read all complaints and decide what to do next, if I feel that your superior officers should handle it, I will reply back and tell you that. Otherwise I will either investigate the complaint or inform you that the complaint should be forgotten about (that will be for frivolous complaints). Note: If you were removed from the club due to HCI punishment or were expelled by the Fleet Commander or Executive Officer, you cannot send a complaint. Only current members may send complaints (this includes members in the Reserves--of any group, TIE Corps or SubGroup). SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/GS/FoEWx2/BS/PCx7/IMC/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/CSM/CoL/OV-6E/OoEwx4d [HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

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