Aggressor Strike Force Report # 41 (2004-11-27)

This report was submitted by AD Khadgar

Aggressor Strike Force Report #41 - 11.27.04

Pilot's Lounge

The Expanded Universe Explained

Grand Admiral Thrawn is easily the most popular expanded universe character. He uses his powers of deduction to great effect. Originally from 221B Baker Street in London, he and his second, Dr. Watson, solve Rebel crimes in a series of remarkable adventures.
Admiral Daala is another popular expanded universe character. Normally women weren't promoted to Admiral outside of the Emperor's Hammer. However, since Daala is such a battleaxe, they were only too happy to promote her. She seems to have a permanent hormone imbalance, which makes her cranky, and hence committed to destroying the Rebels.
Emperor Palpatine is cloned and returns. This is a ploy to reuse material. This is a ploy to reuse material. This is a ploy to reuse material. This is a ploy to reuse material. This is a ploy to reuse material.
Warlord Zsinj, isn't that the weasel that parked in Thrawn's space?
Grand Moff Ardus Kaine commands Pentastar Alignment, whatever the devil that is.
Moff Disra is known as the "Puppet Master". That's because behind the scenes, he plays with puppets to boost his self-esteem.
Baron Manfred von Fel is known as the "Red Baron". He is the top Imperial ace, shooting down many allied fighters and bombers.
Yuuzhan Vong, a race that invades the galaxy with staff weapons, supported by "gods". Sounds rather like Stargate?
Borsk Fey'lya is known as "Dork Fey'lya". He'd trade his own children for a better position in the Rebellion.
Corran Horn is famous for piloting, er, jeding and lending his name to countless EH entrants.
Garm Bel Iblis was a well-respected Senator. Assuming that's not a contradiction in terms?
Mara Jaded is a grumpy Jedi that eventually falls for Luke Skywalker. Whether she'll ever recover from the injuries of the fall is another matter. Wakka wakka.
Talon Karrde is an old smuggler that goes Rebel. May he die a thousand times, be fed to Jabba, etc.

Letters from the Cardinal...

More Star Wars: Episode III Preview

Anakin: When I left you, I was but a weeny, now I am a big boy!
Obi-Wan: Only a big boy of evil, Darth!
(Obi-Wan slashes with his lightsaber.)
Anakin: Our lines are weak, young man!
Obi-Wan: You're telling me? Why did they have to reuse original trilogy material?
Anakin: Writing new material is for the weak!
(Anakin charges at Obi-Wan.)
(Obi-Wan dodges slowly.)
(Anakin runs past Obi-Wan and keeps running into a lava pit.)
Anakin: I'm mellllttttttiiinggg!
Obi-Wan: I don't have time for this...


- The "Run-of-the-Mill" competition is finishing up, thanks to all who participated.
- XWA WoW is on now.
- Here's something useful from the Science Office: For the silly people that trust MS too much (and install everything by them w/o thinking) [That's us! - Editor] Den made a new 32 bit version of tiepatch.exe which fixes the problems with XP SP2 (and is ofcourse twice as big for the same effect... yay "progress"). Get it from
- XvT-TC #102 was released. Yay.

War Room

"All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?" - Reg

Deadline: 11/28/2003
Description: There is one mission for each platform. IS-GWs, SWs and BWs will be awarded for the highest scores on each one. Also, there are three pictures from Star Wars separate from the missions. Submissions will be taken for humorous made-up captions to fit with these pictures. The best captions for each picture will earn an IS-GR, SR and BR.

Imperial Storm V
Deadline: Goodness knows.
Description: Big old wargame with the entire TIE Corps involved.

BGCOM's Legate
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Titles for the top three pilots in the ASF each month. An IS-GW and the title of "BGCOM's Legate" for the winner.

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Recruitment Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Recruit RSVists and help CTs train to help the ASF! Do it for the Flight! Do it for the Squadron! Do it for the Wing! Do it for the ship! Do it for the division! Do it for the club! Do it for your loved ones! Do it for the Emperor! Do it for the Fleet Commander! Do it for Vader! Whatever helps, really.

Battlegroup Commander's Office

I have a moderate amount of submissions for the "Run-of-the-Mill" competition in both categories. The winners will be announced soon. Thanks to all who participated. Nothing further to mention right now - other competitions, etc. are still in the works.

Picture of the Week

Aggressor Strike Force
ISD Grey Wolf - 44
ISD Intrepid - 33
ISD Vanguard - 43
ISD Predator - 39
Avenger Squadron - 9

In the service of Baron Manfred von Fel,

Admiral Khadgar
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroup Commander

BGCOM-FOA-COOA-PROF/AD Khadgar/Aggressor Strike Force

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