Aggressor Strike Force Report # 11 (2004-05-01)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

Aggressor Strike Force Report #11 - 05.01.04

Pilot's Lounge

Two shuttles converged on the Vanguard.
The first landed inside the docking bay.
"Where's this one from?" Goad asked.
"Well, sir, apparently it's from the M/FRG Phoenix."
"Very good, let's see who has come."
With that, the shuttle opened and a man stepped down.
"Will work... For Hornet CMDR back..."
"Jer, Jer Stryker! Certainly!" Goad said.
The second shuttle touched down.
Out stepped another man...
"CMDR, or WC, please, anything!" the man muttered.
"Relax," Goad said, "I've brought you here to tell you that you're now Wing XV WC! Congratulations!"
"Wowy! Wing Commander of my old Wing! This is really top notch!" Praetorian continued.
"You will, of course, be expected to make it through weekly BGCOM Reports, as well..." Khadgar interjected.
"Gah! No, please!" Praetorian frowned.

Letters from the Cardinal...

It's not easy being the ASF staff?
The ASF staff jumps on the Star Wars literature bandwagon.

It's not easy just now getting Vice Admiral. - By VA Gilad
Easy it is not, being a Wing Commander of green. - By LC Yoda
Down here! It's not easy being a short Commodore! - By VA Frodo

Khadgar: Gidda, what've you written?
Gidda: My new book is It's not easy being an avid pilot.
Khadgar: I see, and what'll you being doing to promote the book?
Gidda: Well, it'll be me in my Phalanx Interceptor Gunboat against two CRSs, a CRL and a CRV group.
Khadgar: It'll be a slaughter!
Gidda: That's the spirit!
Khadgar: Well, good luck!
*An hour later.*
Gidda: Those Rebels had it coming!

It's not easy kicking arse with a lightsaber. - RA Goad
It's not easy getting a position! - MAJ Praetorian


- MAJ Praetorian was appointed as the new Wing XV WC. This gives him the dubious distinction of claiming the same first flag spot as his new BGCOM.
- A new monthly competition came out, the "BGCOM's Legate". See the War Room for details.
- The WoWs ended with Predator once again bagging the top ASF pilot in each. This means... Iron Stars!
- Speaking of Iron Stars, the OPS is presently fearful of the nearly 40 Iron Stars coming down, with more to come!
- LC Justin and VA Gilad are the gotos of late when it comes to recruitment due to their efforts in bringing Cadets and RSVists into the ASF. That's why these two get their own news item, good work!
- The XO came out with an interesting report that is worth reading.
- Panthers and mynocks have been declared endangered on Talus. Environmental groups protest rigorously.

War Room

"We make war that we may have Iron Stars." - Aristotle?

BGCOM's Legate
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Titles for the top three pilots in the ASF each month. An IS-GW and the title of "BGCOM's Legate" for the winner.

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Recruitment Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Recruit RSVists and help CTs train to help the ASF! Do it for the Flight! Do it for the Squadron! Do it for the Wing! Do it for the ship! Do it for the division! Do it for the club! Do it for your loved ones! Do it for the Emperor! Do it for the Fleet Commander! Do it for Vader! Whatever helps, really.

ASF Banner Competition
Deadline: NOT monthly! You have until May 4th!
Description: Banner submissions! You can either submit a new ASF banner, or "humorous banners". We know which is more popular!

Battlegroup Commander's Office

With finals over, I'll be having more time to put the things into action I write here each week.
The Mission Design Clinic and other recent incentives (and more to come) rather nicely coincide with the Executive Officer's call for more ways for TIE Corps members to express "good works".
On that note, keep the banners coming for the above banner competition! You have until the fourth!
I'll be picking the "BGCOM's Legate" as well of the other titles starting at the end of this month and monthly hence.
These make a great addition to your ID line to impress me when applying for positions! Just be cautious about applying to the Intrepid staff with these titles, they may in fact delete the application. :P

Boey B released a competition recently. He's up then from zero Kelvin to one Kelvin. Good luck next week, Boey. :P

Picture of the Week

Aggressor Strike Force
ISD Grey Wolf - 55
ISD Intrepid - 39
ISD Vanguard - 36
Avenger Squadron - 4

In the service of panthers and mynocks,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroup Commander

BGCOM-FOA-PROF/VA Khadgar/Aggressor Strike Force

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