Aggressor Strike Force Report # 10 (2004-04-24)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

Aggressor Strike Force Report #10 - 04.24.04

Pilot's Lounge

The door slid open to the office.
"It's official," Predator said.
"Gold again?" Khadgar replied.
"Yes, that'll be another Gold Wings, 50 wins."
Khadgar punched in a request to the Operations Office for the WoW Incentive.

Another officer came in shortly after.
Khadgar hastily pulled out a card from his from his desk that he'd gotten a few years back and blew the dust off of it before the officer noticed.
"Don't worry, it's taken care of," Khadgar said, handing the officer the card.
"Congratulations, Grey Wolf COM, on your promotion to Vice Admiral!" Gilad read aloud.
"Thanks a lot!" he said smiling, and leaving the office.

Letters from the Cardinal...

Why the Empire Has More Appeal Than the Rebellion

Mon Mothma: I issue a call to reason!
Mon Mothma: Palpatine has acted against Section 48b, Paragraph 5, Sub-Paragraph C, Special Circumstance II by disbanding the beacon of the people, the Senate. It is the bridge between the government and the citizenry, the link between the participants and the decision-makers in a participatory democratic process, if you will.
[Loud snores from the Senate, including one Senator that blows a feather into the air repeatedly with his snoring.]
Mon Mothma: Further, this nefarious agent has in fact disregarded the long-established Treaty of Kare Les, which clearly states that arbitrarily deducing from the net income of the citizenry, or even putting the people into poor working conditions is unlawful. This is illegal every second day, including the third Wednesday of the month, if not included in being on a "second day".
Mon Mothma: The so-called Emperor has instituted a military buildup of a scale not required nor desired by myself or other respected members of the highly respected Activism in the Senate club. The members of the club feel that as per the conventions of the Borr Ring Incident that the scale of the Emperor's forces indicates that they are really just around to terrorize, oppress and generally make people unhappy.
Mon Mothma: How do you respond, Palpatine!?
Palpatine: WAKE UP!
[Senate wakes up suddenly.]
Palpatine: Here's the deal, I've got a massive fleet with an unprecedented amount of firepower. Basically, everyone will stay within the law, or get blown up. How's that sound?
[Cheering from the Senate.]
Mon Mothma: Bloody Palpatine.


- Gilad got Vice Admiral! Gilad got Vice Admiral! Yay! Congratulations again!
- Several new competitions and projects got released from the BGCOM.
- Among these is a "Mission Design Clinic", which will be getting underway soon to make new XvT and XWA missions.
- Some XWA patch updates came out from that office that we all hold in reverence, the Science Office!
- The OPS is encouraging custom uniform submissions. However, "But, please beware. I am not going to approve crazy designs (Read: No Ewok Heads, Crazy Medals, or anything like that..." Darn, I can't submit a uniform with a Chief Chirpa head and a Ridiculous Cross? No fun!
- Some of you may think a Galaxies news item here would be appropriate to show we care. Do we? Actually... No.

War Room

"Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle-flags were furl'd" - Alfred Tennyson

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Recruitment Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Recruit RSVists and help CTs train to help the ASF! Do it for the Flight! Do it for the Squadron! Do it for the Wing! Do it for the ship! Do it for the division! Do it for the club! Do it for your loved ones! Do it for the Emperor! Do it for the Fleet Commander! Do it for Vader! Whatever helps, really.

ASF Banner Competition
Deadline: NOT monthly! You have until May 4th!
Description: Banner submissions! You can either submit a new ASF banner, or "humorous banners". We know which is more popular!

Battlegroup Commander's Office

Some new competitions came out this week (see above).
Two new programs were also released this week.
The Mission Design Clinic, which has a decent response.
This "clinic" will be involved in designing new ASF-oriented battles and missions for XvT and XWA.
There's also Flight Mentors...
[Loud snores from the Senate, including one Senator that blows a feather into the air repeatedly with his snoring.]
Lousy Old Republic Senate!
Well, as the Senators suggest, less people have responded to this compared to the clinic.
I'll see what I can do about "sweetening the deal".

Oh yes, and "Boey B"... You're at absolute zero (speaking in terms of a temperature analogy) towards you-know-what. Get going. :P

Picture of the Week

Another reason why the Empire has more appeal than the Rebellion...

Aggressor Strike Force
ISD Grey Wolf - 56
ISD Intrepid - 38
ISD Vanguard - 34
Avenger Squadron - 5

In the service of a massive fleet with an unprecedented amount of firepower,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroup Commander

BGCOM-FOA-PROF/VA Khadgar/Aggressor Strike Force

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