Aggressor Strike Force Report # 8 (2004-04-10)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

Aggressor Strike Force Report #8 - 04.10.04

Pilot's Lounge

Khadgar: Who would apply for Avenger must answer me these questions three, ere the spot he see.
First Applicant: Ask me the questions, Khadgar, I am not afraid!
Khadgar: Which applicant are you?
First Applicant: I am the first.
Khadgar: What is your quest?
First Applicant: To lead Avenger.
Khadgar: What is you favorite activity?
First Applicant: Multiplayer.
Khadgar: Right, off you go.
First Applicant: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
Second Applicant: That's easy!
Khadgar: Stop! Who apply for Avenger must answer me these questions three, ere the spot he see.
Second Applicant: Ask me the questions, Khadgar, I'm not afraid!
Khadgar: Which applicant are you?
Second Applicant: I am the second.
Khadgar: What is your quest?
Second Applicant: To lead Avenger.
Khadgar: What is the Multiplayer channel?
Second Applicant: I don't know that! Aaaah!
Khadgar: Stop! Which applicant are you?
Third Applicant: I am the third.
Khadgar: What is your quest?
Third Applicant: To lead Avenger.
Khadgar: What is you favorite activity?
Third Applicant: Multiplayer. No, Galaxies-Aaaah!
Khadgar: Heh heh heh. Stop! What is your name?
Fourth Applicant: I am the mighty fourth applicant!
Khadgar: What is your quest?
Fourth Applicant: To lead Avenger.
Khadgar: What is the velocity of a TIE with lasers on full recharge, shields on half?
Fourth Applicant: What do you mean? A fighter or bomber?
Khadgar: Huh? I don't know that. Aaaah!

Letters from the Cardinal...

[The Ending Lines of Episode III: The Musical...]

Lucas: And the day now looks sunny...
Lucas: Because I've got a bunch more moneyyyyyyy.
[Curtain Down. Fade to Black.]

Okay, thank goodness that's done with...
And now, hit books in the Star Wars series...

1. Should Have Stayed on the Farm and Other Anecdotes from Luke Skywalker
2. Dr. Jabba's Surefire Weight Solution
3. Riches and Ruler: Palpatine's Palaces
4. Grand Admiral Thrawn: Intergalactic Man of Mystery
5. Breathe again! Tips for being your best from Darth Vader
6. The Best Places to Dine in the Galaxy by Jek Porkins
7. Fire and Lightning: Fun with the Dark Side by Emperor Palpatine
8. When 900 years old you are, as good a book you publish? Hmm? From Master Yoda
9. Arrrrrrrr! Profound thoughts from Chewbacca
10. Building a Death Star with Less by Moff Jerjerrod
11. The Secrets of Great Command from Admiral Ozzel
12. Why I sell a lot better than Ozzel from Admiral Piett
13. Lousy Deaths by Boba Fett
14. Why Palpatine Musn't Rule by Mon Mothma
15. Why Mon Mothma is a Bore by Emperor Palpatine


- Sledgehammer is over. I've put out a call for any submissions that may have gone missing when I re-installed XP.
- Avenger CMDR is still open. Currently I am deciding between five highly qualified applicants. It will be decided on soon.
- A bunch of Iron Stars got approved from the OPS, including WoW winners and some SC winners.
- The Immortal was closed and Wings III and IV got merged into Wing VII. Good luck to those involved in these changes.
- NL 103 is out. Apparently not much was submitted from the TIE Corps in November 2003.
- A number of new IWATS courses are out! See for details!
- In TAC news (which comes after TO news now, as per TO comments at the EH meeting), some new XvT battles and a mission came out from the ASF. MB IS still with the ASF at heart, right? :P
- RA Jedi Eclipse, formerly of the ASF, is the new Medical Officer. Keep up the malpractice, erm, good work!

War Room

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Battlegroup Commander's Office

Seeing as not many people submitted for Sledgehammer after this section last week, I'm assuming this section can officially be the "In One Ear, Out the Other" section. :P
I'm tempted to announce something important here, since no one would notice... :P

Anyway, in an effort to increase the number of readers of this section, I'll try to keep all further comments in this report a sentence or less.

- Sledgehammer is over, mail me if I missed your submission.
- I will soon be taking submissions for new mottoes and nicknames for the ASF.
- The new Avenger CMDR is... General... Generally not been announced yet! (Har Har)
- Meanwhile, King Arthur and Sir Bedevere, not more than a swallow's flight away, had discovered something.
- Ten years after the Earth Minbari War.
- Lucky there's a family guy. Lucky there's a man who positively can do all the things that make us laugh and cry!

Picture of the Week

Aggressor Strike Force
ISD Grey Wolf - 56
ISD Intrepid - 38
ISD Vanguard - 37
Avenger Squadron - 4

In the service of, I don't know, Aaaah!

Vice Admiral Khadgar
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroup Commander

BGCOM-FOA-PROF/VA Khadgar/Aggressor Strike Force

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