Avenger Task Force Report # 31 (2003-03-03)

This report was submitted by AD Jeff 'Tiger' Loruss


AD Jeff “Tiger” Loruss reporting in for Avenger Task Force
W/E 03.03.03- Report #31

>Welcome to another addition of your favorite Reading material. :P

>Ok this week saw the ATF go up against the ASF in March Madness. While we did lose to the ASF we did far better than I expected in the overall turnout. This was Awesome Work folks and I want to thank everyone that was able to be there and support the ATF.

>I also want to thank COM ShadowHawk for Setting up the COMP and I am hoping she comes up with something cool like this again very soon.

>CJ for February is over I have posted the results CONGRATS to all the winners. The medals are in the mail :P

>As some of you may have noticed I have not awarded medals for the Activity league from January this is because I have spent a couple weeks talking back and forth to the CS getting it approved all over again for me to do it. I have been told that as long as I am awarding medals based on MSE’s then it is no prob. SO here’s what we need to do from now on. In your reports that you send me every month I want to see what each of your pilots have done as always. I need that so show why I am doing the REC for medals. At the end of it I want to see you write in what medals they are being RECed for. I will then REC the medals based on this info.

Now since they have made it harder to get any medals RECed I am going to up the point system a bit to make sure that you and your pilots do enough to get the medals without a fight. So here is the new points list. Please remember I do not want to see the points listed just what each pilot has done. Use the point system to gauge what each pilot has earned.


While I know these points seem quite high. I have seen a few pilots every month hit that BS. I will not count the points from the last two months however I may not be able to get the medals as they were set up. You will each get a medal it just may be one level down is all. For those that earned an ISM well I will do my best to get you that as well.


Squad Wars commences starting at the posting of this report. You will have one week to fly the assigned mission. Now I will assign three free missions for you to choose from. Just remember this. The squad you are up against must fly the same mission. I am only assigning the missions for each platform so as to give you all the best chance to find enough pilots that have it to play.

The Max amount of submissions I will take from each squad will be 4. The reason for this is simple. The lowest count I have in each squad is 4 that means the squads with only 4 pilots will have to get all of them to fly in order to have a decent chance at winning. I will take the top 4 scores and average them. The highest average is the winner and moves on to the next round. In order to make this a simpler and quicker COMP so that we can maybe run it once a month if it works out. I have decided not to have a losers bracket. If you lose you’re out until we start over.
CMDR’s must mail each other and talk about which one they will fly against each other. Once that’s set then they must get their pilots to fly.

The winners of the last round of the COMP are the ones to get the medals. Top three individual scores are the ones that win. However the Squad that wins will get to have Bragging rights and control of the Flag staffs private pool area for 1 week. :P

I am doing the first rouns assignments the old fashioned way :P I have wrote each squad name on a piece of paper and then put em in a hat and drawn them randomly.
First mission Assignments are-
TIE Free #8
XvT Free #2
XWA Free #1

Here are the first round assignments-

Wraith vs. Slayer
Hunter vs. Tau
Spectre vs. Kraken
Nemesis vs. Flayer
Fury vs. Storm
Raptor vs. Stalker
Butcher vs. Rage
Trapper vs. Chaos
That leaves Ravager with a buy this round. This means that they are not flying and will be the next round for sure.

Remember if you don’t fly you lose. If you do nothing at all in this COMP I will have to make serious inquires into your abilities to command a squad in my BG. However if you are trying then what more can you do : )

That’s it get to work and these are due next Monday night at 12 am EST.the 10th.
CMDR’S COLLECT ALL PILOT FILES AND ZIP THEM TOGETHER. IN YOUR SUBJECT LINE PLEASE POST THIS SUBJECT. SQUAD WARS ROUND #1 This will allow me to see them more clearly. I DO NOT WANT. Individual submissions from pilots anyone doing this will have their submission round filed trash canned and generally not even read. They must come from CMDR’s

I hope this turns out to be a decent COMP for one and all : )

Thank you for your attention.

BGCOM/AD Jeff "Tiger" Loruss/Avenger Task Force/PIN#2352
MUTR "Tiger's Claw"
"Death Becomes my Enemies"
Former Director of Training - ATFA

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