Avenger Task Force Report # 33 (2003-03-16)

This report was submitted by AD Jeff 'Tiger' Loruss


AD Jeff “Tiger” Loruss reporting in for Avenger Task Force
W/E 03.16.03- Report #33

>Alright another week has passed. I saw 4 out of 16 squads continue to the second round for squad wars. While CJ is moving along slowly this week. I am going to assume that spring break is killing us :P

>I have also noticed that lately all BSF’s going thru my desk are being done proper. Thanks everyone for doing this it makes us all look good : )

>I had 34 BSF’s cross my desk this week. That shows me we are for sure not a very active BG. :P

>There were 8 various medals that I saw cross my desk this week.

>COM’s Judgment is moving slowly I feel pretty confident that after Spring break I will get a serious amount of submissions.

>Squad Wars- Here are the results for those that didn’t catch them from round one then the current assignments for round two : )

Results round 1-
Wraith vs. Slayer
Wraith Scores-
XWA-8730 / 4 =2183
Nemesis vs. Flayer
Nemesis Scores-
XvT 50038 / 4 =12510
Raptor vs. Stalker
Raptor Scores- XvT 27130 / 4 =6783
Stalker Scores- XvT 27638 / 4 =6842

Raptor and Stalker made a real battle of it and made it real close. However do not count out the other two that made it to round two.

Here is the current round 2 assignments-
Wraith vs. Raptor
Stalker vs. Nemesis
XvT Free # 8
XWA Free # 43

>For those that have not picked up on this. I have gotten approval for this COMP for the next 6 months. So folks its here to Stay Squad Wars will be around for at least that long. So fly already :P

>Anyone wishing to work on special projects for me please mail me with what you can do for me and the ATF. Rewards will be doled out for work completed. What I am really looking for is someone to Either Set ASP or PHP to the ATF site that I update. So if anyone is pretty good to really good at it they will be rewarded quite nicely :P

>One final note is for the Activity league. I am currently working on them to get caught up. I want to thank everyone that is owed a medal for not bugging the crap outta me about it :P I would also like to take on an assistant to help my compile this every month. So anyone interested please mail me.
Thank you.

BGCOM/AD Jeff "Tiger" Loruss/Avenger Task Force/PIN#2352
MUTR "Tiger's Claw"
"Death Becomes my Enemies"
Former Director of Training - ATFA

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