Aggressor Strike Force Report # 26 (2003-04-13)

This report was submitted by VA Darksaber

Fleet News:

EH/RS Competitions
08:29 - RA Darknyte []

I've gotten many questions lately by people who want to hold competitions with the RS now that we've formally allied with them. This is great and actually encouraged by not only myself, but GA Ronin as well. I just want to lay down the proper procedures to make sure things get done and the comps can happen. When you make initial contact with the RS regarding a competition, you must CC the LA, TO, and COO(If an MP comp) on your emails. We will need to be apprised on what is going on. After you get your competition set up and approved by all parties, send in a Competition Approval Form if you plan to award medals, if not just have your comp and win some glory for the EH.

I hope this will help a little bit to eliminate some of the confusion regarding this subject, and good luck in your comps.

Nicked by Razors
07:40 - VA Kyle Katarn []
There is a new Competition where we can play. You can find the information in the Combat Calendar and on the BSC Website. If you got questions please mail me.

Flight Office Assistant
07:06 - HA Priyum Patel []
For those of you who missed the TC meeting last night (blame daylight savings :P), my new FOA is Colonel Reaper. Thanks to all those who applied. Please note that with some upcoming Flight Office projects I'll probably require another FOA who'll come from the current list of applicants.

Intrepid COM Promoted
07:02 - HA Priyum Patel []
Congratulations to Rear Admiral Wil Striker who today receives a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral in recognition of his hard work and commitment as Commodore of the Intrepid. Congrats Wil!


BG News:

I´d like to Start by congratulating Wing XV WC, Drax on his promotion to LC ;) Gratz

Other than that, "Darksaber´s Mission to Dark Empire" Comp is over with submissions being sent to Grand Admiral Ardan for Evaluation. "Tie Advacement" Comp is also over with Medals pending COO review of the comp.

New Comp Started, "Nicked by Razors". Held in the Zone and Hosted from Battlestats Razor Fighters only. All other matches will be deleted. Standard WoW rules apply. Members of the same club are allowed to fly against each other. XWA only

Comps Running:

Week of War Incentive:

EH NL Submissions Incentive


Vice Admiral Darksaber
Agressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commodore

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