TIE Corps Battlegroups Report # 17 (2003-05-03)

This report was submitted by AD Krax Tarnisar

Battlegroups Report 17

[taps the com button] Testing…testing…is this thing on? Greetings! Welcome to yet another edition of the Battlegroups Report! Lots going on this week, so let’s get right to it.


We have tons of competitions going on, as well as Vampire Squadron tearing up the SSL! Good job, guys.

The only BG-wide comps are a set of Top Gun races: one involving the Challenge against the Colossus and the other pitting the Relentless against the Immortal. In addition to bragging rights with their assigned game platform, pilots can look forward to the usual assortment of Iron Stars falling on their uniforms. Once this one’s over, we also have plans for a MP competition proposed by a Fight Member on the Immortal. It looks to be fun for those who MP, and you can expect to see details as soon as the Top Gun race is over.

In line with the idea of Top Gun, your ever-lovin’ BGCOM is working on a project that should give you, the pilots of the BGs, more opportunities to improve your flying skills and learn from the best without having to do a tour with an Elite squadron. I’ve discussed this program with a number of you, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Even as we speak, a team is working to put together material for a TIE and XWA version. If there’s enough interest, we’ll add XvT as well. Expect to hear more on this very soon.

In other news, a pack of alien monkeys, or at least aliens that look very much like monkeys, have taken control of parts of the Immortal. This comes on top of growing pirate activity in many sectors. The Colossus is heavily engaged there, and can’t spare resources to help the Immortal.


MSEs are due! Get them in!


No big rants this time around, aside from the political stuff that I don’t feel like addressing at this time.


Nothing to add this time around. I know this report’s late, but RL is doing one of its periodic flare-ups where everything that can go wrong at once is cheerfully doing so.

That’s all for now. Keep flying and having fun!

BGCOM/AD Krax Tarnisar/TIE Corps Battlegroups

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