Aggressor Strike Force Report # 37 (2003-06-29)

This report was submitted by AD Darksaber

Fleet News:

New battles and free missions
14:49 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
Small package:

XvT-FREE #145-147
XvT-TC #72,73

Email Woes
11:55 - HA Priyum Patel []
It seems several people, myself included, are still having a variety of problems with email accounts, whether it be sending emails or receiving. Please double check that your emails are getting through to recipients. The IO is aware of the problems and is working to resolve them soon.
This includes me at - If you wish you can mail me at or

Subjugator COM Selected
04:05 - HA Priyum Patel []
Following a successful stint as Wing XX Wing Commander, Lieutenant Colonel TK-2107 has been selected as the new ISD Subjugator Commodore and promoted to Rear Admiral. Congratulations!

This means that the WC position is now vacant. Applications will be accepted, but please wait for the requirements to be posted later today before sending anything.

Flight Office Banner Competition
11:15 - HA Priyum Patel []
Greetings folks. The Flight Office is in need of TWO new banners, one general banner for the front page and a second to replace the ageing link banner (aww). The main banner can be of any size (within reason) and the link banner should be ideally 400x50 pixels. Format must be gif, jpeg, psp or bmp and should be sent zipped to by Sunday 6th July at the latest.

The creator of the winning entry of each banner type will receive an Iron Star w/ Gold Ribbon. An IS-SR will go to second, and an IS-BR will go to 3rd and 4th places.

Sponsored by the Training Office

Imperial Sovereign Protector Appointed
10:46 - HA Priyum Patel []
Congratulations to Rear Admiral Mell Kerrigan who has been selected as the new ISP and reinstated to his previous CS rank of Admiral!

This of course leaves the position of Subjugator Commodore vacant. Please do NOT apply until asked to.

BG News:

I am back from leave. All Exams due and I am now in Vacations.

Unfortunally, LC Archon resigned but we are not taking applications for Wing XIII WC. We wish Archon the best of luck handling his RL Issues

--- NEW COMP -----

From those that don´t know, my whole familly was killed by rebels when I was younger, altoughtI dated I am still single so I don´t have any familly left, Tie Corps and specially Aggressor Strike Force are my familly (check my INPR for more information). But last night something incredible happened! I was contacted by someone! Anna Darksaber! She was part of an experiment, a clone created, that used the genetic material of my deceased Cousin Mary Anna and of the Emperor ITSELF! She turns out to be be a young force sensitive girl. She contacted by appearing to me in a vision while I sleep.

I guess she is the only "blood familly" I have, so I need to reach her. Unfortunally she is being held by an Imperial WarLord called Cody who claims to be her cousin, since she is the "Daughter of the Emperor", He is using her defense as a claim to the Empire.

We need to rescue her! And destroy this lowlife wannabe Emperor!

We dunno what forces he got but we are going in anyhow!

now for the comp:

4 Sections: Fiction (Preference for Plotline/Battle Design Oriented), GFX, Mission Design XWA, Mission Design XvT

Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: Best Fiction
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: 2º Best Fiction
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: 3º Best Fiction

Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: Best GFX
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: 2º Best GFX
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: 3º Best GFX

Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: Best Battle Design XvT
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: 2º Best Battle Design XvT
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: 3º Best Battle Design XvT

Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: Best Battle Design XWA
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: 2º Best Battle Design XWA
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: 3º Best Battle Design XWA

From 01/07/2003 till 01/08/2003

A Picture of Anna Darksaber is attached.


ASF Banner comp is still running:

WoW XWA is on

Comps Running:

Week of War Incentive:

EH NL Submissions Incentive


Admiral Darksaber
Agressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commodore

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