TIE Corps Battlegroups Report # 23 (2003-07-04)

This report was submitted by AD Krax Tarnisar

Battlegroups Report 23


TAC, with the help of many testers and lots of dedicated mission creators, hit the 3000 mission mark. Great job, guys!


Since only one person seems to read these reports, or at least notice the comps, I’ve decided to extend the deadline for the Squadron and Wing of the Month banners. The new deadline is now July 13.

We have a BG-wide competition still going on. Now that we have awards again for Pilot, Commander, Squadron, and Wing of the Month, we need something fancy to give out. Banners will be awarded for Squadron and Wing of the Month (which can be uploaded to the TC roster), so these will need to be designed. A nice, pretty Iron Star (Silver Ribbon) will be awarded to the winners of each comp, with the runner-up getting a IS-BR. Submissions should be sent to me in a zip file (ignore this provision at your peril…I delete unzipped submissions and don’t count them) before July 13.

And now a few details for you graphics types. These banners should be of the correct size for the TC database, and should also reflect the pride that goes with being named a Squadron or Wing of the Month. Make something that you’d be proud and honored to display on your roster page and home page. While the banner can look like a plaque, I’d like to see something more original. Those of you with an interest in history could look to the Romans for inspiration. Perhaps a graphic that looks like a banner that would be hung from the ceiling of a unit cantina or displayed with pride on the ready room wall. I’m looking for originality and something that sums up what it takes to be the best in an organization as strong and full of tradition as the BGs.

Just think how nice a well-designed banner will look on your Squadron’s (or Wing’s) roster listing. It lets everyone know what you did during the month, and gives you something to shoot for next month.


It is yet again MSE time. Let’s see if we can get these in on time…and with recommendations for Pilot, CMDR, and Squadron of the Month.


Numbers are coming up slowly, which is good. We also still have a CMDR spot open on the Immortal. Phantom Squadron is in dire need of a CMDR. This is a great chance for someone to show the Corps what they’re made of.

On a related note, it’s becoming clear that more and more people don’t WANT to be CMDRs. There was a time not so long ago here (like last year) when CMDR slots were the object of great competition. Now…they sit open for extended periods. Why? Is it because CMDR is seen as too much work? Too much political junk and not enough flying? Or something as basic as not wanting to leave your current Squadron or Wing to take on a new job? I have my own opinions about this, but I’d be interested to hear from some of our newer BGs members. If you aren’t interested in becoming a CMDR, are there specific reasons why? If there’s enough response, the results will be published in a future report.

That’s all for now. Keep flying and having fun!

BGCOM/AD Krax Tarnisar/TIE Corps Battlegroups

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