Aggressor Strike Force Report # 45 (2003-08-24)

This report was submitted by AD Darksaber

Fleet News:

XOA positions open
21:05 - SA Astatine []

The Executive Office is perhaps one of the most important in the Emperor's Hammer. It covers a wide range of duties and responsibilities and requires a large skills base from all staff in the office.

Executive Office Assistant Alpha
This position will primarily deal with tasks related to newsletters and the monitoring of subgroups.

Selection Criteria - Essential

Good written communication skills
An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
Fast email response time
The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel
Selection Criterial - Desirable

Demonstrated HTML experience
High speed internet connection
Proven record keeping experience and/or experience in repetative tasks
Executive Office Assistant Beta
This position will primarily deal with tasks relating to the upkeep and maintenance of the TIE Corps database.

Selection Criteria - Essential

Good written communications skills
An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
Fast email response time
Prior web development experience
Selection Criteria - Desirable

Demonstrated experience with ASP
Demonstrated experience with Access and/or SQL Server
How to apply

You must address each selection criteria in detail, providing supporting evidence and examples for each. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. You will need to meet at least the Essential criteria to be considered for the position. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one must be a former or, preferably, a current superior. Ensure you have the permission of your references first. Applications should be directed to with the subject "Application for XOA".

The Make A New mIRC Function Competition
19:10 - Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias []
I have started yet another COMM competition (this must be a record for COMM ;). Its called the "Make a new mIRC function" competition. The idea is to make a simple function that provides a useful way to do a task in mIRC. Entries do not have to be massive full fledged scripts like P&P, rather a simple paragraph of code that will do something useful.

Rewards are as follows:
1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

I'm hoping to promote mIRC scripting in the EH, and perhaps find a few good coders to help make an "EH Script" package. The contest will end at 12 midnight EST 2003/09/05. Please send all submissions to

Flight Officer Back
10:20 - HA Priyum Patel []
Ok, wipe away those tears folks, I'm back. First off, my sincere apologies for this unexpected absence...a culmination of deadlines and serious computer problems all conspired to keep me off line for the past week.

Anyway, the majority of updates are now complete. Those that aren't, I'm afraid will need to be resent to me since I ended up losing a significant portion of my HD during the troubles. Again my apologies for this.

In other news, I'm sorry to report that Vice Admiral RogueWing has decided to step down as Commodore of the ISD Immortal and take up a FM's position in Ghost Squadron. RW was one of the finest Flag Officers to grace the TIE Corps and I'm very sorry to see him go. The Flight Office extends its thanks for all the work he's put into his Battlegroup and Ship.

05:45 - VA Kyle Katarn []

I know this is a bit off topic, but look at this site.

After this Game is finished, then there could be an Imperial MOD made for Star Wars. This game is especially made for MODers. The MOD that comes with Starshatter itself seems a bit superficially! However if there is a good Imp. SW MOD made this could help the EH very much!

Tactical Officer back from leave
14:20 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Yes, I'm back. Report on Friday. Next few days I will spend catching up. Expect HSs approved very soon, more competitions, some results, etc :)

Sovereign Squadron League Results!
11:12 - HA Priyum Patel []
The SSSD Sovereign Squadron League 2003 has concluded after several months of heavy competition and now it is time for the winners to celebrate their victories and collect their rewards. The champions are the elite Omega Squadron in the TIE and XWA divisions, and Diamondback Squadron in the XvT division. Many congratulations to General Sasquatch and Lieutenant Colonel Gidda and their pilots for registering these outstanding accomplishments. Also, thanks to all pilots of all TC ships who participated in this exciting competition. Finally, thanks to the tireless judges of the SSL, Lieutenant Colonels Todbringer and Gidda and Major Artyis, for their hard work throughout the event. Complete results of the SSL will be posted on the Sov Web site at

BG News:

1) Sovereign Squadron League 2003 is over and ASF did very well, with Diamondback Squadron Winning XvT, Aggressor Squadron getting 2º Place and Odin Squadron managing 3º. In XWA, Diamondback also managed a 3º place ;)

Individually LC Gidda got 1º in XvT and 2º in XWA, CPT Drako got 2º in XvT and CPT Derek Dan got 4º in XvT.

2)2nd Knight of the Aggressor

Congratulations to LC Yossarian of Avenger Squadron who has been awarded the title of 2nd Knight of the Aggressor. Ther can be only 12 possible Knights of the Aggressor, and only AD Darksaber and the other Knights can select the members of this fraternity. Congratulations!

The entire crew of the VSD Aggressor, in full military dress uniforms, are lined up
in the hangar bay. AD Darksaber and COL Dax Corrin approach the dias. "LC Yossarian,
front and center!" AD Darksaber called. LC Yossarian approached the dias. "LC
Yossarian, for your consistent valor and dedication to duty, you are hereby declared
the "2nd Knight of the Aggressor." You are now one of only 12 possible Knights, with
all the priveliges and duties associated with this award. You have the right, along
with AD Darksaber and myself, to recommend others to our fraternity.
Congratulations." Dax Corrin said. The hanger bay erupted with applause as LC
Yossarian accepted the award.

3)There is a new comp managed by Executive Officer, Astatine.

4) Comp Results

Anna Darksaber Mission Creation Phase


1º Place - Iron Star Gold Ribbon: CPT Choosh

Online Triviain #eh_asf:

1º Place: Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: CPT Vladet Xavier
2º Place: Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: LCM Keiran

5) Lots of new comps:

New Comps:

ASF XWA Racing Tournament

Competition Name/Title ASF XWA Racing Tournament
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/24/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/24/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded The person who flat out won the most races would get
an IS-GW, second IS-SW, and third IS-BW. In Case of Tie, they will have to
find a time to race each other to Untie
Miscellaneous Information A racing tournament where each squadron is a
racing team.we'll use #ehcoc for the !dns command, then e-mail me
( the results. The tournament would be point based, As
Thus: No. of Points per Place Racers First Second Third 2 to 4 1 0 0 5 to
6 2 1 0 7 to 8 3 2 1 The pont total will decide the winning team which
would get a trophy to display on their squadron website. Naturally, one of
the racers would have to email me ( the results of the
race, listing the pilots, and what they placed so squadron, and individual
scores can be tabulated. Other Pilots in the Race have to be cced. For
more information about Racing in XWA check:
Additional Contacts

ASF Racing Trophy GFX Comp

Competition Name/Title ASF Racing Trophy GFX Comp
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/24/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/7/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded 1º Place: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon 2º Place: Iron Star
- Silver Ribbon 3º Place: Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon
Miscellaneous Information Create a Trophy to be awarded to winning
Squadron of ASF XWA Racing Tournament to display in Winning Squadron

ASF XWA Film comp 1

Competition Name/Title ASF XWA Film comp 1
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/19/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/31/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star Gold Ribbon - Best Film Iron Star Silver Ribbon - 2º Best Film Iron Star Bronze Ribbon - 3º Best Film
Miscellaneous Information Participants record up to 5:00 of flight in XWA. The most interesting video, as chosen by me wins.

Let's get DS a PR

Competition Name/Title Let's get DS a PR
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/19/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/18/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star Gold Ribbon - Most Original comp ran Iron Star Silver Ribbon - 2º Most Original comp ran Iron Star Bronze Ribbon - 3º Most Original comp ran
Miscellaneous Information Person to send me the most original comp idea that is run as a BG Wide comp wins. Possibility of Merit Medal if the winner works extra in this BG Wide Project.

ASF Screenshot comp 1

Competition Name/Title ASF Screenshot comp 1
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/19/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/31/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star Gold Ribbon - Best Submission Iron Star Silver Ribbon - 2º Best Submission Iron Star Bronze Ribbon - 3º Best Submission
Miscellaneous Information Participants must send me a screenshot from XWA, XvT or TIE. Screenshots can include a caption, and the one me likes most wins.

ASF Trivia #9

Competition Name/Title ASF Trivia #9
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/24/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/31/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Awarded Iron Star - Gold Ribbon Ribbon to the first
to get all Answers correct or Most Correct answers by Deadline Iron Star -
Silver Ribbon for the 2º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct
answers by Deadline Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for the 3º to get all
Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by Deadline
Miscellaneous Information 50 Trivia questions about EH/ASF/and SW in
general Submitted by mail

1- What did Jango Fett have to do to become the one who gets cloned?

2- What group did Komari Vosa lead?

3- Jango got one extra prize for this besides all the money. What was it?

4- What was Jango before a bounty hunter?

5- Who killed Jango and when (Timeline)?

6- What was the name of that battle?

7- What type of surgery did Boba Fett use to make him a more powerful bounty

8- Who Had a Bounty on Han Solo that Boba Fett Collected?

9- What is Lando Calrissian's favorite card game?

10- Lando Calrissian was a good player. Who finally can and beat him, and
what was
the prize?

11- What did Lando win in a Sabacc game, seen in one of the movies. (city)

12- After the Battle of Endor, Lando went back in to business. Who was the
partner he wanted to be with in a romantic way, but only ended up staying
as a business

13- Who did Lando end up getting married to?

14- In ESB and RotJ, What was the actor's name who played him?

15- Who played Jango Fett (Episode 1)?

16- What ship did Price Xizor fly?

17- Where was Han Solo born?

18- Han almost joined the Imperial side. What made him not. The reason he
was kicked out of Imperial Service?

19- What was Han's famous time for the Kessel Run?

20- How much was Solo paid to help Obi-wan and Luke?

21- Who did Han end up marring?

22- How many kids did they have?

23- How did Chewbacca die?

24- Who did Han blame for this?

25- Who owned Anakin Skywalker and his mother?

26- How was Anikan freed?

27- In the battle of Genosis, who cut off Anakin's right hand

28- Who did Anakin marry?

29- Who showed Anakin the dark side?

30- When Obi-Wan tried to get Anakin back, what happened?

31- What were the names of Luke's Aunt and Uncle?

32- What was the nickname given to Luke Skywalker by his friends?

33- Where did Luke start a new Jedi Academy?

34- How many weddings did Luke and his wife have?

35- What was their first son's name?

36- Who played Luke in ANH, ESB, RotJ?

37- Who is Luuke Skywalker?

38- What was it made form?

39- Who created Luuke?

40- Who kiled Luuke?

41- What color hair did Mara Jade have?

42- What color eyes did Mara Jade have?

43- What title did the emperor give Mara Jade?

44- What was the last mission given to Mara Jade by Palpatine?

45- When Luke was at Jaba's palace, who did Mara Jade pose as to get in?

46- Name the main type of spice form the Kessel spice mines.

47- Who's tears held the power to help Mara when she was poisoned by Nom

48- How many years went by after Anakin left did it take for his mother to
get a new owner?

49- Who married Mara Jade?

50- What was Han awarded for rescuing Chewbacca?

Comps Running:

ASF Recruiting Comp 3

Competition Name/Title ASF Recruitment Comp 3
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 7/20/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/20/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Medals to be Awarded IS GR 1st place - Most recruits entering ASF IS sr 2nd Place IS BR 3rd Place
Miscellaneous Information Since ASF is at a low since I got BGCOM

This comp is designed to get the ASF Body to recruit more members into the ASF to increase the ASF numbers. Either New SLs, that you get MoI for recruiting, or they mail me saying you recruited them, or Members coming back from Reserves mailing me saying you recruited them.

ASF Online Trivia in #eh_ASF

Competition Name/Title ASF Online Trivia in #eh_ASF
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 7/20/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/31/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star Silver Ribbon for winner Iron Star Bronze
Ribbon for 2º Place Miscellaneous Information 20 Questions of Online
Trivia in #eh_Asf to advertise the BG #. Held on Sundays after TC
Meeting. I´ll ask questions if I am not there Senior officer takes my

BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force

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