TIE Corps Battlegroups Report # 26 (2003-09-11)

This report was submitted by AD Krax Tarnisar

Battlegroups Report 26


We have a new OPS. RA Alex Foley has been chosen to take that CS position. Some other stuff going on as well. See http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp for more information.


We have two new COMs. Please join me in welcoming RA Locke and RA Phantom to their new command positions. Locke is known to most of you as a long-standing member of the Challenge. He takes over the ImmCOM post. Phantom comes to us from the ASF, where she was a successful WC. Be sure to say hello to them.

In related news, Auto’s resigning from the EH has left me with a need for an XO. RA Locke has graciously accepted this post. We’re working hard on ECR, and hope to have something ready by the middle of October at the latest.


MSEs are now late. Congrats to BubbaX, who got the Immortal’s in on time. I’m still waiting for the rest of them. WCs and COMs, if you have a commander who hasn’t filed his, send the rest in with a notation of who didn’t submit included. MSEs are part of a CMDR’s job…and if they can’t do them their commanders need to take note.


Sorry for the short report. RL has been throwing me a series of very nasty curves of late, and I’m struggling to keep up. Things should be settling down soon, though.

That’s all for now. Keep flying and having fun!

BGCOM/AD Krax Tarnisar/TIE Corps Battlegroups

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