Aggressor Strike Force Report # 49 (2003-09-21)

This report was submitted by AD Darksaber

Fleet News:

Flight Office News
16:09 - AD Cyric []
All Processing sent into HA Priyum has been finished! If anything was lost in the suffle please contact FA CYRIC

EHCOC Update
09:11 - VA Kyle Katarn []

I am sorry for my lack of time in the past.

Here is a lil update.

I awarded the scores given to me when the bot was down
I will announce a COOA tomorrow
I finally got time to award the EHCOC Banner Comp Medal. An IS-GR goes to CPT Abel Malik. Congratz!
Also the Bot is working again. I got today a mail again!

Mission Compendium going offline
13:31 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Final preparations to release Project Shield require taking mission compendium offline and updating all links. Soon you will start seeing .ehm files instead of .zips. Do not download them, cause you won't be able to instal them. As soon as I will finish update of all link, we will release software and you will play battles again.

FA Cyric appointed New FO
11:46 - FA Cyric []
For those who haven't heard, FA Cyric has been appointed the new FO.

Tactical Officer's Assistant (TACA) sought
12:07 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
I am looking for TACA. (possible promotion to CA:TAC when proven as valuable staff member). I will need a guy with good HTML and scripting skills (ASP prefered, PHP is ok). Javascript a plus.

First assignment will be building GTA database and some other minor projects. I need serious candidates, cause I expect the best and I award the best. Applications to TAC and CA:TAC

New WING XVIII Commander chosen
11:39 - FA Cyric []
Congrats to MAJ D. T. Hammer on his promotion to Major and in taking over the duties of WC for Wing XVIII. Major Jaron Kai has stepped down and transfered to the reserves.

BG News:

1) Biggest news is the appointing of AD Cyric, ex-Grey Wolf COM, ex-ASF BGCOM, ex-CA:FO as the new Flight Officer.

2)Also following AD Cyric´s Appointing as FO, He already appointed COL Gidda as Wing XIV Wing Commander and COL Nightmare as Wing XV Wing Commander. gratz to both.

3) Aggressor Squadron defeated Odin Squadron on a Squadron 1on1 comp ;)
COL Gidda was best Scorer and receives an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon.

4)CM Machinari got a 3º Place Overall so he gets an Iron Star-Gold Wings and a an Iron Star - Bronze Wings.

5)The new newsletters (95 & 96) have been posted on EHNet, and are available both offline ( and and online ( and

CPT Tvan Oris has the Cover and Image of the Month in NL 95 and has Image of the Month on NL 96, so he will receive 3 Iron Star - Gold Ribbon.
Excelent job, Tvan

6)Comp Results

Online Trivia in #eh_asf:

1º Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon: LC Kodiak
2º Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon: MAJ Gilad

ASF Trivia #12

1º Place - Iron Star: Gold Ribbon: LCM Lenvik
2º Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon: CPT JediEclipse
3º Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon: MAJ Yoda

ISM: Jer Stryker

Match Characters to Actors
1 EP 4 Obi-Wan - Alec Guiness
2 EP1-2 Obi-Wan - Ewan McGregor
3 Qui-Gon - Liam Neeson
4 Jar Jar - Ahmed Best
5 EP 1 Anakin Skywalker - Jake Lloyd
6 EP 2 Anakin Skywalker - Hayden Christenson
7 EP4-6 Darth Vader (Voice) - James Earl Jones
8 R2D2 - Kenny Baker
9 C-3PO - Anthony Daniels
10 The Emperor - Ian McDiarmid
11 Padme - Natalie Portman
12 Chewbacca - Peter Mayhew
13 Luke - Mark Hamil
14 Leia - Carrie Fisher
15 Han - Harrison Ford
16 Mace Windu - Samuel L Jackson
17 Darth Maul - Ray Park
18 Shmi Skywalker - Permila August
19 Count Dooku - Christopher Lee
20 Yoda (voice)- Frank Oz

21. Which Company designed the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor?
A. Kuat Drive Yards

22.What are the 'Double Worlds' in the Corellian Sector?
A. Tralus and Talus

23. What fighters do the Chiss use during the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion?
A.'Claw' Craft

24. What ship did Ackbar help design?
A. the B-wing

25. What planet does Edcel Bar Gan represent?
A. Roona

26. What was the name of the dancer Mara Jade posed as in Jabba's palace?
A. Arica

27.What Jedi Council Member is from Lannik?
A. Even Piell

28.Who was the foreman of the Techno Union?
A. Wat Tambor

29.What species home is on Tibrin?
A. Ishi Tib

30. What ship does the Xi Char Cathedral Factories make?
A. Droid Starfighters

31. Why do only geonosians fly the Nantex-class Territorial Defense Starfighter ?
A.It's made to fit their anatomy

32. Nom Anor was the leader of what organization on Rhommamool?
A. The Red Knights of Life

33. Alderaan was originally home to what species?

34.What Jedi Training vessel crash landed on Dathomir?

35. Who is Anakin's mother?
A: Shmi Skywalker

36. Who is the orignial for the Cloned army on Kamino?
A: Jango Fett

37. What is the name of Jango Fett's ship?
A: Slave I

38.Who is the main character of X-Wing Alliance?
A: Ace Azzameen

39.ho is the actress who played Aurra Sing in Episode 1?
A. Michonne Bouriague

40. Who did the body motions of C-3PO in Episode I?
A. Michael Lynch

41. What is the official name of the Trade Federation Lander?
A. C-9979 Landing Ship

42. What color is the Senate interior and why was it chosen?
A. Lavender, because it was the only color not associated with war, anger, or mourning in any culture in the Republic

43. What type of engines are on Anakin's Pod?
A. Radon-Ulzer engines

44.What aliens from a non-Star Wars film can be seen in the Senate?
A.E.T's from Steven Spielberg's E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial.

45. What real world language was Huttese inspired by?
A. Ben Burtt used words and phonetic spellings of the Incan language of Catua to create Huttese.

46. What was the first scene filmed in Episode I with the entire main cast present?
A. The scene where the Queen's Ship arrives on Coruscant and the Queen meets Valorum.

47.What is the Queen's Amulet made of and who gave it to her?
A. It is made of transparisteel and stone and was given to her by her father

48. What inspired the blue and white stripe design on Anakin's pod?
A. The paint design George Lucas had on a sports car in his youth.

49. hat was the budget for Episode I and what did it end up costing?
A. The budget was $120 million, but it came in at $115 million.

50. What type of ship is Slave I?
A: Prototype Firespray Attack Ship

51. According to the Episode I credits, who played Jabba the Hutt?

XWA open 1 vs 1 Touny XXII - September 2003

CM Machinari got a 3º Place Overall so he gets an Iron Star-Gold Wings and a an Iron Star - Bronze Wings.

ASF Racing Trophy GFX Comp

1º Place. Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: MAJ Yoda
2º Place. Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: MAJ Yoda

Let's get DS a PR

1º Place. Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: MAJ Yoda
2º Place. Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: MAJ Choosh
3º Place. Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: LCM Rem Somos

Design Snij

1º Place. Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: CPT Serge
2º Place. Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: MAJ Yoda
3º Place. Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: CPT Serge

New Comps:

ASF Mascot

Competition Name/Title ASF Mascot
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/21/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 10/5/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: Best Submission Iron Star - Silver Ribbon: 2º Best Submission Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: 3º Best Submission
Miscellaneous Information The Goal is to create a Mascot for ASF. The Winning Submission will become the ASF Official Submission. Submissions must include a name and description but can also incluse a Graphic/Picture and a fiction.

ASF Trivia 13

Competition Name/Title ASF Trivia #13
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/21/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/28/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Awarded Iron Star - Gold Ribbon Ribbon to the first to get all Answers correct or Most Correct answers by Deadline Iron Star - Silver Ribbon for the 2º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by Deadline Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for the 3º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by Deadline
Miscellaneous Information 50 Trivia questions about EH/ASF/and SW in general Submitted by mail

1. What other role did Ahmed Best play in Episode I besides Jar Jar?

2. Who was the voice of Darth Maul?

3. What 3 characters did Jerome Blake play in Episode I?

4. What does the Huttese word "shag" mean?

5. Who owned Anakin and Shmi before Watto?.

6. Who sits in the Senate podium with Chancellor Valorum?

7. What is the name of the Wookiee Senator from Kashyyyk?

8. What is the name of Gardulla the Hutt's assistant?

9. Who made Anakin's Pod Racing Helmet?

10. What Species is Diva Funquita?

11. What is the name of the river that turns into a waterfall in Theed?

12. What is the Naboo alphabet called? (Note the handwritten and formal have different names.)

13. What are "Eyes of Mesra"?

14. What 3 groups make up the Naboo Royal Security Forces?

15. What is the name of the Gungan army?

16. How many worlds does Palpatine represent in the Galactic Senate?

17. Where is Otoh Gunga located on Naboo?

18 What are the names of Sebulba's blue twin Twi'lek slaves?

19. What was the name of the glowing ball that Amidala gave Boss Nass in Episode I?

20. Where are the Colicoids from?

21. What does the red mark on the Queen's lip represent?

22. Who was the King responsable for the Great Time of Peace in Naboo?

23. Which Jedi Council Member is NOT a Jedi Master?

24. What is the Official Name of the Vulture Droid?

25. Who in the Star Wars Universe manufactured the Trade Federation's MTT's and ATT's?

26. Who plays Wald, Anakin's young Rodian friend in Episode I?

27. Which Jedi is a polygamist?

28. What is Jedi Council member Ki Adi Mundi's homeworld?.

29. What is Panaka's job and rank?

30. What does Nabrun Leids, the gas masked alien from the Cantina, breathe?

31. What is the name of the Mos Eisley Cantina?

32. What is Darth Vader's full title?

33. Who was the previous owner of C-3PO and R2-D2, before Luke´s Uncle/Luke?

34.What do Stormtroopers on Tatooine ride on?

35. Which ship had the only Alderaanian soldiers and weapons in existence just before the destruction of Alderaan?

36.Who was the captain of Tantive IV?

37.Who composed the Death Star command triumvirate?

38. Someone else was originally going to take on the mission of picking up the Death Star plans instead of Leia, ho? Also, why did Leia end up flying the mission?

39. How was Princess Leia to pick up the plans to the Death Star?

40. Which was the Rebellion first major battle and first victory?

41. Who Killed Lord Tion?

42. What is the name of the planet that Princess Leia claimed the rebel base was on in Star Wars, A New Hope?

43. What is the name of the rock formation Luke flew through in Beggar's Canyon?

44. Which General was in charge of Rebel Hoth Base?

45. What was the Code name for the Hoth Base?

46. Which Star Destroyer spotted the Falcon on its way out of the asteroid field, on ESB?

47. What species is the Bounty Hunter Zuckuss?

48. Who filled in for Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett during the 'He's no good to me dead' scene in ESB?

49. During the lightsaber battle in ESB, who was in the Darth Vader costume for the swordfighting?

50. Michael Sheard, who played Admiral Ozzel, also played a villian in an Indiana Jones film. Who did he play?

Comps Running:

ASF Wide Comps Participation 09/2003

Competition Name/Title ASF Wide Comps Participation 09/2003
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/30/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/30/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: 1º Most Active Iron Star -
Silver Ribbon: 2º Most Active Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: 3º Most Active
Miscellaneous Information Award to the person who participates in the
most comps in the month (ASF wide-comps). A way to Estimulate
Participation and reward pilots even if they don´t win.

Week of War Incentive:

EH NL Submissions Incentive

ASF Recruiting Comp 3

Competition Name/Title ASF Recruitment Comp 3
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 7/20/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/20/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Medals to be Awarded IS GR 1st place - Most recruits entering ASF IS sr
2nd Place IS BR 3rd Place Miscellaneous Information Since ASF is at a
low since I got BGCOM

This comp is designed to get the ASF Body to recruit more members into
the ASF to increase the ASF numbers. Either New SLs, that you get MoI
for recruiting, or they mail me saying you recruited them, or Members
coming back from Reserves mailing me saying you recruited them.

ASF XWA Racing Tournament

Competition Name/Title ASF XWA Racing Tournament
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 8/24/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/24/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded The person who flat out won the most races would
get an IS-GW, second IS-SW, and third IS-BW. In Case of Tie, they will
have to find a time to race each other to Untie
Miscellaneous Information A racing tournament where each squadron is a
racing team.we'll use #ehcoc for the !dns command, then e-mail me
( the results. The tournament would be point based,
As Thus: No. of Points per Place Racers First Second Third 2 to 4 1 0 0
5 to 6 2 1 0 7 to 8 3 2 1 The pont total will decide the winning team
which would get a trophy to display on their squadron website.
Naturally, one of the racers would have to email me
( the results of the race, listing the pilots, and
what they placed so squadron, and individual scores can be tabulated.
Other Pilots in the Race have to be cced. For more information about
Racing in XWA check: Additional Contacts

ASF Online Trivia in #eh_ASF 2

Competition Name/Title ASF Online Trivia in #eh_ASF 2
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/7/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/28/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star Silver Ribbon for winner Iron Star Bronze
Ribbon for 2º Place Miscellaneous Information 20 Questions of Online
Trivia in #eh_Asf to advertise the BG #. Held on Sundays after TC
Meeting. I´ll ask questions if I am not there Senior officer takes my


Admiral Darksaber
Agressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commodore

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