Avenger Task Force Report # 28 (2003-11-02)

This report was submitted by VA Ranthier Khaen

Avenger Task Force BGCOM Report #28
November 2nd 2003

Vice Admiral Khaen

ATF News  

-Subjugator Flag Promotions-
For their hard work as the flag officers of the ISD Subjugator, TK-2107 and TK-7764 have been promoted to Vice Admiral and Lieutenant Colonel, respectively. Congratulations!  

-Seven Months-
Wow. My 28th report. Seven months as BGCOM. The time has really flown by, hasn't it? 

After some unsavoury rule-bending by the War Officer, I have withdrawn the ATF from Imperial Storm IV. The TCBGs has followed my lead on this protest action. We are awating a reply from the War Officer...

-New TIE95 Patch-
The Science Officer has released an awesome patch for TIE95 which brings the Shipyard, Repairyard, Medium Transport (those ones the Rebels escaped from Hoth on), Astromech Droid, Imperial Pilot, as well as various gun platforms and other objects to TIE95. Oh yeah, it also brings the Super Star Destroyer!!! I've been messing around with this patch, and I will be making some ATF missions soon. The patch is available at the Patch Archive (http://sco.minos.net), check it out! 

-Golden Tug Awards-
Head to the Mission Creation Forum to vote for 2003's best missions/battles/creators. Big props to our own CM Chris Cox, whose XvT-FREE 122 is up for 'Best FREE Mission'!

-BGCOM's Judgment-
The competition has been reset for November, and Tau Squadron is now a part of it. All ATF multiplayer pilots are encouraged to fly Tau Squadron for BJ. 

-New members-
Welcome aboard SL Mach Blader. A very slim week for recruits, everyone should be actively trying to get more people into their squads!


-BGCOM's Judgment-
The site has been updated and can be found at http://bj.tiecorps.net

The single player battles this month are:
TIE-TC 141 "A New Ally II"

XvT-TC Battle #50 - ZT Force: Cerberus Infection

XWA-DB Battle #5 "Dark Brotherhood Vendetta"

The Fiction topic is: "Lost!"
Ever noticed how very large our battlegroup flagship is? Imagine you get lost in the SSD Avenger's intricate decks and halls one day, and write about the misadventure you have. (Thanks to RA Anthol for the topic idea.)

The Graphics prompt is: "BJ Banner"
Design a banner for the BGCOM's Judgment competition. Be creative!

All submissions are due in by 11:59 PM EST on November 30th.

-ATF Trivia-
RA Anthol's monthly trivia competition has been reset for November. It is located at http://atft.tiecorps.net.

-Wing XVIII: "Top Gun: November"-
The usual monthly Top Gun comp for Wing XVIII. Details at http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1082.

-Wing XIX: "New WC Trivia"-
Celebrate the appointment of Wing XIX's new WC with a round of trivia. Details at http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1052.

-Wing XIX: "New WC Flying Comp"-
Celebrate the appointment of Wing XIX's new WC with some flight. Details at http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1051.

-TIE Corps: "TCCOM's Own Banner Comp"-
FA Cyric is running a comp to design a new banner for the title of 'TCCOM's Own'. Details at http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1066. (Ends November 27th)

Note: Only Wing+ level comps are reported above.


136 BSFs have entered my inbox this week. New record! Awesome work!
5 IWATS courses have been completed by ATFers this week. 

BGCOM-LOA/VA Khaen/Avenger Task Force
SSx2/BSx4/PCx3/ISMx8/MoI-GC/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-6BR-15SW-2SR-18GW-4GR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2(22)/DFC-Rx1/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx28/OV-3E [TMPR] 
MAA/DA Khaen/DC-3/Dark Council

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