Aggressor Strike Force Report # 62 (2003-12-21)

This report was submitted by AD Darksaber

Fleet news:

SquadFirst+ Bug Search
20:27 - RA Alex Foley []
Here we go! Nearly six months after I should've done this, I'm trying to get all the bugs in the SquadFirst+ software worked out. I've set up a bug tracker at, and I encourage anyone with a bug to post it. Also, if you've fixed my code, please post a bug report with the buggy code and what you changed. In the end I hope to have a good script that won't have to be changed for a while. Please be sure to include all settings information (i.e. roster level and roster type) so I can properly assess the problem.

New Challenge COM selected
07:00 - FA Cyric []
RA Phantom has been chosen to head the ISD Challenge. She has a tough road ahead, but AD Krax and myself feel that she is more than capable of leading the Challenge to greater glories!

Message Boards Back Online
12:05 - HA Ari []
After a couple of days downtime, the new message boards are now online at the older address, If you haven't already done so, please register an ELS handle as you'll need one to post on the modified boards. A statement regarding the board downtime, as well as board creation request procedures, is located at the main Emperor's Hammer board.

Questions can be directed to HA Ari or AD Turtle.

COMM open for applications
15:21 - SA Astatine []
The Communications Officer (COMM) is responsible for the operation of the EH's communication media, such as IRC, message boards, etc. Maintaining ops and ban lists in primary EH channels is a core duty of this position.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of online presence in online media such as message boards, IRC, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Prior experience in IRC channel management (ie. 400 or higher access)

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Include specific examples of your experience. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties of the position to an acceptable level. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one of these must be a former or current superior, preferably current. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be seen in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer with the subject "Application for Communications Officer".

Former WC of Wing XIII Chosen as ISD Grey Wolf Commodore
17:02 - FA Cyric []
LC Gilad has been chosen as the next Commodore of the ISD GreyWolf. He has been promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and given the duties of Commodore!

New COO Selected
16:33 - FA Cyric []
Former Grey Wolf COM, VA Sarin has been chosen to head the Combat Operations Office. I wish him luck, as he has a tough road to hoe!

BG News:

1) Our own Phantom was selected as Challenge COM, gratz to her

2)The new EH forums are online at To use them you need a
ELS handle, if you don't have any go to and create
one. If you want to know what happened to old forums go to

COMs, WCs, CMDRs, please create the new Squadron messageboards ASAP. Check
out to know how to open your
squadron board and be moderator.

Also remember to update Ship/Wing/Squadron rosters to reflect the new
Message Board url

ASF Message Board is at:

3) VA Sarin was selected as COO, Gratz to him

4) Former Wing XIII WC LC Gilad; was selected as new Grey Wolf COM, Gratz to him

5) Wing XIII Wing Commander is open for applications:

Wing Commander for WING XIII sought
16:36 - FA Cyric []
With the promotion of Gilad to COM of the ISD Grey Wolf, the position of WC for Wing XIII is now open. The requirements are as follows:

-Must have completed a four month tour as Squadron Commander
-Must have completed SM 2 or 3
-Must be able to meet normal WC Duties (BSFs, Wing Reports, so on, so on...)
-Name some of your goals for the Wing
-Must have atleast one reference
-Tolerance of the GWSOoM is also a must ;p

If you think you have what it takes, please apply to RA Gilad and AD Darksaber.

6) Comp results:

Gratz to EH on Winning XWA WoW!!!!!!!!!!! (With only ASF Pilots Ranking and competing and with Maj Ace of Avenger Squadrong getting a 3º Place Overall ;))
It´s Our Best result Ever!

Week Of War:


1º Place - Iron Star - Gold Wings: MAJ Ace
2º Place - Iron Star - Silver Wings: LCM NoWedge
3º Place - Iron Star - Bronze Wings: LCM Lonestar

3º Place Overall - Iron Star - Bronze Wings: MAJ Ace


1º Place - Iron Star - Gold Wings: LC Nightmare
2º Place - Iron Star - Silver Wings: MAJ Choosh
3º Place - Iron Star - Bronze Wings: LC Zoron

Online Trivia in #eh_asf:

1º Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon: LC Kodiak Kereban
2º Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon: MAJ Pickled Yoda

ISM: CPT Keiran

Comps running:

ASF Online Trivia in #eh_ASF 5

Competition Name/Title ASF Online Trivia in #eh_ASF 5
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 12/7/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 12/28/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star Silver Ribbon for winner Iron Star Bronze Ribbon for 2º Place
Miscellaneous Information 20 Questions of Online Trivia in #eh_Asf to advertise the BG #. Held on Sundays after TC Meeting. I´ll ask questions if I am not there Senior officer takes my place.

Week of War Incentive:

EH NL Submissions Incentive


Admiral Darksaber
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commander

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