Aggressor Strike Force Report # 10 (2002-12-22)

This report was submitted by VA Darksaber

Fleet News:

LoC and DFC Delay
05:32 - VA Kyle Katarn []
I am sorry for the BIG delay of LoC's and DFC's however, I was in Munich, Germany due of Business reasons. Now I am back and all medals have been awarded. Report will be out ASAP!

Outer Rim War 2 Complaints Inbox
06:06 - VA Kyle Katarn []
If you got a Problem with ORW2 (like you feel that somebody cheated, etc.), please Mail us to . DO NOT eMail me direct or one of my COOA's. We will gather all complaints in this Inbox, and deal with them, and forward them to the RS and the ORW Council.

New Order of Battle Released!
05:42 - AD Ender mBind []
The newest version of the Fleet Order of Battle, with all the Capital Ships and Units of the Fleet as recognized by the Fleet Commander, has been released and uploaded to the SCO site at

The OoB is available in full graphics, text only and as (zipped) off-line viewable versions.

BG note: Thx to all that helped me name ships.

Competition systems screwup
06:23 - SA Astatine []
Just recently, I found out that an error in the competitions system resulted in competitions being submitted, but these submissions not appearing in the admin or competition center sections of the site. This error has been fixed and as of this posting, all competitions have been processed.

BG News:

I´d like to start by wishing a merry Xmas to everyone ;)

Congratulations to New Mantis CMDR: CPT Erryc Lassiter

I´m having a Pre-SC GFX competition check more about it at:

Also from XO Report:

"Member profiles also now list approved competitions, if they have any. This becomes a good tool in seeing how good a member is in generating activity, as well as the range and variation of the competitions they run."

To Conclude a little Trivia

ASF Trivia #2

Iron Star - Gold Ribbon Ribbon to the first to get all Answers correct or Most Correct answers by Deadline
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon for the 2º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by Deadline
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for the 3º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by Deadline

Start: 23/12/2002
End: 31/12/2002

1: Who is the newest EH SGCOM (Hint: IS)?

2: Who was the TCC:XWA serving under TAC Striker (hint: Recently promoted to CA:)?

3: What was the first Ship that Biggs Darklighter served aboard after graduating from the Academy (Hint: received a comission aboard a non-combat vessel)?

4: Who old is C3P0 in "A New Hope"?

5: What Rank is a Clone Trooper using red in his Armor?

6: What is Owen Larss relation to Anakin Skywalker?

7: In Episode IV, was Luke's X-wing call-sign Blue Five or Red Five?

8: In Episode IV after the Battle of Yavin there are four ships: Luke and Wedge in their X-wings, Han in the Falcon, and a Y-wing fighter. Who was most likely in the remaining Y-wing ship (There were other Fighters making it out of the battle but not shown, still there is a famous pilot that survived the battle of Yavin in a Y-Wing)?

9: In Which Planet was Darth Maul Born?

10: Who was the Jedi Council member from the same Species as Darth Maul?

11: What is the Species of Eeth Koth and Darth Maul?

12: Who is the Rebel officer whom Vader chokes to death in the opening moments of A New Hope?

13:When Chancellor Valorum was ousted from office by a vote of no confidence, three nominees lined up to take his place. Name them and their HomePlanets.

14: Fyg Boras was a Senator of what Planet?

15: Which rank did Keyan Farlander hold during "Destiny´s way"?

16: What was the name of Garm Bel Iblis's Flagship during the years following the Battle of Coruscant?

17: Who commanded New Republic´s A-Wing Scimitar Squadron during the height of the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong?

18: Who won the Battle of Ebaq? (Hint: Vong or New Republic)

19: Who was the CMDR of Barefoot Squadron? (Hint: Ylesia)

20: What is the homeplanet of Keyan Farlander?

21: Chenini is a Moon of what Planet?

22: What is a Furball? (Hint: In SW pilot Slang)

23: The Hall of Confluence is an Edifice created by the Yuuzhan Vong in which Planet?

24: Which jedi did the Yuuzhan Vong called Jedi Giant?

25: What was the last ISD to open in Aggressor Strike Force?

26: Erron Kell was a Starfighter pilot for which Army before becoming a Mercenary?

27: Kirst was a Starfighter pilot of which Squadron during the Battle of Endor?

28: Wister, a Rogue Squadron pilot, was killed in which Battle?

29: What was Vess Kogo relation to Emperor Palpatine?

30: Who trained Madurrin in the jedi Arts?

31: Why Couldn´t Madurrin serve in a StarFighter?

32: Which Navy developped the Miy'til Assault Bomber?

33: The "Old Folks Home" is a Code Name for what?

34: The Palace of Peace is located in which planet?

35: What is the Special "Feature" of the Palace of Peace?

36: What Fighter did Allican Pilot Zan Porpu fly when he disappeared?

37: What was the name of the transport ship owned by Kyle Katarn, after the Moldy Crow was retired?

38: Who was the manufacturer of the Republic-class Cruiser?

39: Screamer Squadron launched from which ship during the Battle of Ylesia?

40: What was the purpose of the Search and Rescue Corps?

41: Bobo is a Codename for which Sith?

42: What is the Shiak?

43: What is the Shiim?

44: Snayd served as an Aide to which Admiral?

45: Which Solo developped the Solo Slingshot maneuver?

46: Which Species used the Sonic Blaster?

47: What was the name of the personalized starfighter owned by Zan and Zu Pike?

48: What is the Sun Djem?

49: What was the name of Jedi Master Plo Koon's personal space transport ship?

50.Who was the first Member expelled from Emperor's Hammer?

BGCOM/VA Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
GS/SSx6/BSx6/PCx9/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1bh/IS-1BW-3BR-1SW-2SR-1PR/LoC-PSx100/DFC-SWx10/MoC-3BoC-1SoC/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx33/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-LIN-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-VBS-XAM-XTM/1-XTT}

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