Aggressor Strike Force Report # 21 (2004-07-10)

This report was submitted by AD Khadgar

Aggressor Strike Force Report #21 - 07.10.04

Pilot's Lounge

Drax: Why do you want to be Wing Commander?
Applicant #1: I've always wanted to serve on the Barnyard!
Drax: Vanguard! Next!
Drax: Why do you want to be Wing Commander?
Applicant #2: I think Khadgar is a bona fide genius!
Khadgar: I like him-
Drax: Next!
Drax: Why do you want to be Wing Commander?
Applicant #3: I think Luke Skywalker is bona fide genius!
Drax: Security!
Drax: Why do you want to be Wing Commander?
Applicant #4: Oh, sorry, this isn't where IWATS courses are restored?
Drax: *Sigh* Next...

Letters from the Cardinal...

Superweapons of the Empire you didn't hear about:

1. A crack team of high-priced lawyers.
2. Jar Jar Binks (Decimates entire populations, especially filmgoers)
3. The clone of the clone of the clone of the brother of the father of Emperor Palpatine.
4. Bothans with doctored evidence (Then again, you may have heard of this one)
5. Warlord Comingoutofhidingtodestroyrebels the Great
6. The Death Star III. Complete with obvious weakness that can be exploited by fighters, shoddy defense and an "infallable" plan to destroy the Rebels.
7. The Ultra Super Duper Star Destroyer (USDSD), which has enough firepower to destroy all Rebels everywhere in one shot. Really.
8. LucasArts. "Fear will keep the local systems in line, fear of having games cancelled."
9. The Emperor's private merchandising storehouse.
10. One word: Syndication. The Empire's most powerful weapon.


- Congratulations to RA Gidda on getting Intrepid COM!
- We have two Wing Commmander spots open, Wings XIV and XV! That should be enough news for everyone. What are you waiting for? Applications are open! Send them to RA Gidda or RA Drax (for Wing XIV or XV) and AD Khadgar.
- RA Drax was kind enough to run his Countdown to Oblivion to completion. Thanks to him for all his hard work and to all who made it out.
- Well, Freeworlds is an official platform. How we're going to recognize it and promote it within the TIE Corps ranks isn't particularly finalized. But hey, it's official!
- Still looking for Aggressor submissions. Don't be shy!
- Apparently the FMC is offering Silver and Bronze Stars for banner submissions as to their official banner. It's not entirely clear how much the Training and/or Operations Offices are being paid to go along with this, but hey, it's medals, right? Anyway, to bolster the spirit of participants, the FMC has released an absolutely great looking banner which will make everyone realize just how good the submission is that they already have compared to potential submissions. How this bolsters submissions I'm not terribly sure, but I'm going to quit this news business while I'm ahead.

War Room

"War is much more fun when you're winning!" - General Martok

BGCOM's Legate
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Titles for the top three pilots in the ASF each month. An IS-GW and the title of "BGCOM's Legate" for the winner.

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Recruitment Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Recruit RSVists and help CTs train to help the ASF! Do it for the Flight! Do it for the Squadron! Do it for the Wing! Do it for the ship! Do it for the division! Do it for the club! Do it for your loved ones! Do it for the Emperor! Do it for the Fleet Commander! Do it for Vader! Whatever helps, really.

Night of the Monks
Deadline: Each Friday at 3 AM - 6 AM EST.
Description: Weekly Multiplayer competition! Held in #EHCOC on IRC.

Battlegroup Commander's Office

Friends, officers, Imperials, lend me your Wing Commander applications.
Yes, that's really what we need this week, a few good Wing Commanders.
Wings XIV and XV are open. If interested, look to the TIE Corps site for details.

Congratulations and thanks this week to all who participated in Countdown to Oblivion.
Other than that, the main point is the same as last week - The Aggressor can use fiction and graphics submissions.

Picture of the Week

Aggressor Strike Force
ISD Grey Wolf - 48
ISD Intrepid - 38
ISD Vanguard - 37
Avenger Squadron - 4

In the service of Syndication,

Admiral Khadgar
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroup Commander

BGCOM-FOA-COOA-PROF/AD Khadgar/Aggressor Strike Force

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